Add files via upload
Updated to remove logic relevant to deprecated elastisearch dependency, unnecessary root check; various other fixes.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 45 additions and 59 deletions
@ -15,13 +15,8 @@
# Check for root to ensure the accessibility of the Docker daemon, and to
# allow mount point permissions to be set after building.
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Sorry, but this script needs root to properly function. Please try again using sudo ./" 1>&2
exit 1
echo "Welcome to Szurubooru. This install script will ask you to set a few
echo "config values, then get szurubooru up and running."
echo "Welcome to Szurubooru. This install script will ask you to"
echo "set a few config values, then get szurubooru up and running."
# Check to ensure Docker and Docker-Compose are both installed before proceeding
if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null || ! command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then
@ -38,27 +33,10 @@ fi
if [[ "$(uname -m)" == 'a'* ]]; then
echo "ARM architecture detected. Modfying docker-compose.yml accordingly."
sed -zi "s|image: szurubooru/server:latest|build:\n context: ./server|; \ # Modify services/server to build locally instead of pulling from DockerHub
s|image: szurubooru/client:latest|build:\n context: ./client|; \ # Modify services/client to build locally instead of pulling from DockerHub
s|depends_on:\n - sql|depends_on:\n - sql\n - elasticsearch|; \ # Add dependency for alternate arm compatible elasticsearch defined below.
s|POSTGRES_HOST: sql|POSTGRES_HOST: sql\n ESEARCH_HOST: elasticsearch|" \ # Point Postgres to the alternate elasticsearch container
# "Add a new section to define the alternate elasticsearch service
cat >> docker-compose.yml <<-ESS
image: ind3x/rpi-elasticsearch #recommended in the wiki, does get the job done.
## Specifies the Java heap size used
## Read
## for more info
ES_JAVA_OPTS: -Xms512m -Xmx512m
- index:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
index: # Scratch space for ElasticSearch index, will be rebuilt if lost
echo "ARM architecture detected. Modfying docker-compose.yml for local build."
# Modify docker-compose file to build locally instead of pulling from dockerhub
sed -zi "s|image: szurubooru/server:latest|build:\n context: ./server|; \
s|image: szurubooru/client:latest|build:\n context: ./client|" ./docker-compose.yml
@ -69,21 +47,20 @@ function server_config () {
cp server/config.yaml.dist server/config.yaml
echo ""
echo "===[General Settings]==="
echo -e "\n===[General Settings]==="
# Prompt for Secret, proposing a randomly generated 32-character alphanumeric value as a default.
default_secret="$(tr -dc '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | dd bs=4 count=8 2>/dev/null)"
echo "Enter your Secret (Used to salt the users' password hashes and generate filenames for static content)"; read -e -p "> " -i "$default_secret" SECRET
sed -i "s|secret: change|secret: $SECRET|" server/config.yaml
sed -i "s|secret: change|secret: $SECRET|" ./server/config.yaml
# Other useful (but less important) settings
echo "Enter the desired name for your server. (Shown in the website title and on the front page)"; read -e -p "> " -i "szurubooru" SERVERNAME
echo "Enter the full url to the homepage of this szurubooru site, with no trailing slash."; read -e -p "> " URL
sed -i "s|name: szurubooru|name: $SERVERNAME|;s|domain: |domain: $URL|" server/config.yaml
sed -i "s|name: szurubooru|name: $SERVERNAME|;s|domain: |domain: $URL|" ./server/config.yaml
# SMTP (email) settings
echo "===[SMTP (Email) Settings]==="
echo -e "\n===[SMTP (Email) Settings]==="
echo "If host name is left blank, the password reset feature will be disabled."
echo "Enter your email server's host address."
read -e -p "> " SMTP_HOST
@ -97,8 +74,7 @@ function server_config () {
s|port: |port: $SMTP_PORT|; \
s|user: |user: $SMTP_USER|; \
s|pass: |pass: $SMTP_PASS|; \
s|from: |from: $SMTP_FROM|" \
s|from: |from: $SMTP_FROM|" ./server/config.yaml
else # Warn user that they should set a contact email if no smtp host is specified
echo "WARNING: No SMTP host specified!"
echo "It is recommended you set a contact email in the next prompt for manual password reset requests."
@ -106,7 +82,7 @@ function server_config () {
echo "Enter your server's primary contact email address."
read -e -p "> " CONTACT_ADDR
if [ -n "$CONTACT_ADDR" ]; then sed -i "s|contact_email: |contact_email: $CONTACT_ADDR|"; fi
if [ -n "$CONTACT_ADDR" ]; then sed -i "s|contact_email: |contact_email: $CONTACT_ADDR |" ./server/config.yaml; fi
function set_env () {
@ -115,20 +91,19 @@ function set_env () {
cp doc/example.env .env
echo "===[Environmental Variables]==="
echo "Enter your desired database username"; read -e -p "> " -i "szuru" DB_USER
while true; do
echo "Enter your desired database password"; read -e -p -s "> " DB_PASS
if [ -n $DB_PASS ]; break
else echo "ERROR: You must set a password!"
echo -e "\n===[Environmental Variables]==="
echo "Enter your desired database username."; read -e -p "> " -i "szuru" DB_USER
while true; do # Ensures the user sets a database password for security reasons.
echo "Enter your desired database password. (Will not print to console)"; read -s -p "> " DB_PASS
if [ -z $DB_PASS ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: You must set a password!"; else break; fi
echo "Enter the build info you'd like to display on the home screen"; read -e -p "> " -i "latest" BUILD_INFO
echo ""
echo "Enter the build info you'd like to display on the home screen."; read -e -p "> " -i "latest" BUILD_INFO
echo "Enter the port # to expose the HTTP service to."
echo "Set to if you wish to reverse proxy the docker's port."; read -e -p "> " -i "8080" PORT
echo "Enter the URL base to run szurubooru under"; read -e -p "> " -i "/" BASE_URL
echo "Enter the directory you wish to store image data in"; read -e -p "> " -i "/var/local/szurubooru/data" MOUNT_DATA
echo "Enter the directory in which you wish to store database files"; read -e -p "> " -i "/var/local/szurubooru/sql" MOUNT_SQL
echo "Enter the directory in which you wish to store image data."; read -e -p "> " -i "/var/local/szurubooru/data" MOUNT_DATA
echo "Enter the directory in which you wish to store database files."; read -e -p "> " -i "/var/local/szurubooru/sql" MOUNT_SQL
@ -138,20 +113,31 @@ function set_env () {
s|MOUNT_SQL=/var/local/szurubooru/sql|MOUNT_SQL=$MOUNT_SQL|" .env
function final_touches () {
docker-compose pull # Download containers
docker-compose up -d sql # Start SQL first
sleep 30 # Give the database time to become available
docker-compose up -d # Start remaining containers
echo "Creating and setting up server configuration (server/config.yaml)..."
server_config # Configuration via ./server/config.yaml
echo -e "\nCreating and setting up environmental variables (.env)..."
set_env # Configuration via ./.env
final_touches # Start Szurubooru
echo -e "\nConfig is all done! Now pulling Docker containers..."
docker-compose pull # Download containers
echo "Starting SQL container..."
docker-compose up -d sql # Start SQL first
echo "Waiting 30s to ensure the database is ready for connection..."
sleep 30 # Give the database time to become available
echo "Starting Server and Client containers..."
docker-compose up -d # Start remaining containers
# Ensure files can be uploaded by setting ownership of the /data/ mount point
puid=$(grep "PUID=" server/Dockerfile | sed "s/.*=//")
guid=$(grep "GUID=" server/Dockerfile | sed "s/.*=//")
guid=$(grep "PGID=" server/Dockerfile | sed "s/.*=//")
mount=$(grep "MOUNT_DATA" .env | sed 's/MOUNT_DATA=//')
echo "Performing a quick ownership change of $mount to make sure images can be submitted..."
chown -R $puid:$guid "$mount"
echo "All done! You should now be able to access Szurubooru using the port number you set."
exit 0
Reference in a new issue