`szurubooru` uses REST API for all operations. # Table of contents 1. [General rules](#general-rules) - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Basic requests](#basic-requests) - [File uploads](#file-uploads) - [Error handling](#error-handling) - [Field selecting](#field-selecting) - [Versioning](#versioning) 2. [API reference](#api-reference) - Tag categories - [Listing tag categories](#listing-tag-categories) - [Creating tag category](#creating-tag-category) - [Updating tag category](#updating-tag-category) - [Getting tag category](#getting-tag-category) - [Deleting tag category](#deleting-tag-category) - [Setting default tag category](#setting-default-tag-category) - Tags - [Listing tags](#listing-tags) - [Creating tag](#creating-tag) - [Updating tag](#updating-tag) - [Getting tag](#getting-tag) - [Deleting tag](#deleting-tag) - [Merging tags](#merging-tags) - [Listing tag siblings](#listing-tag-siblings) - Posts - [Listing posts](#listing-posts) - [Creating post](#creating-post) - [Updating post](#updating-post) - [Getting post](#getting-post) - [Deleting post](#deleting-post) - [Merging posts](#merging-posts) - [Rating post](#rating-post) - [Adding post to favorites](#adding-post-to-favorites) - [Removing post from favorites](#removing-post-from-favorites) - [Getting featured post](#getting-featured-post) - [Featuring post](#featuring-post) - [Reverse image search](#reverse-image-search) - Comments - [Listing comments](#listing-comments) - [Creating comment](#creating-comment) - [Updating comment](#updating-comment) - [Getting comment](#getting-comment) - [Deleting comment](#deleting-comment) - [Rating comment](#rating-comment) - Users - [Listing users](#listing-users) - [Creating user](#creating-user) - [Updating user](#updating-user) - [Getting user](#getting-user) - [Deleting user](#deleting-user) - Password reset - [Password reset - step 1: mail request](#password-reset---step-2-confirmation) - [Password reset - step 2: confirmation](#password-reset---step-2-confirmation) - Snapshots - [Listing snapshots](#listing-snapshots) - Global info - [Getting global info](#getting-global-info) 3. [Resources](#resources) - [User](#user) - [Micro user](#micro-user) - [Tag category](#tag-category) - [Tag](#tag) - [Post](#post) - [Micro post](#micro-post) - [Note](#note) - [Comment](#comment) - [Snapshot](#snapshot) - [Unpaged search result](#unpaged-search-result) - [Paged search result](#paged-search-result) - [Image search result](#image-search-result) 4. [Search](#search) # General rules ## Authentication Authentication is achieved by means of [basic HTTP auth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication). For this reason, it is recommended to connect through HTTPS. There are no sessions, so every privileged request must be authenticated. Available privileges depend on the user's rank. The way how rank translates to privileges is defined in the server's configuration. It is recommended to add `?bump-login` GET parameter to the first request in a client "session" (where the definition of a session is up to the client), so that the user's last login time is kept up to date. ## Basic requests Every request must use `Content-Type: application/json` and `Accept: application/json`. An exception to this rule are requests that upload files. ## File uploads Requests that upload files must use `multipart/form-data` encoding. JSON metadata must then be included as field of name `metadata`, whereas files must be included as separate fields with names specific to each request type. Alternatively, the server can download the files from the Internet on client's behalf. In that case, the request doesn't need to be specially encoded in any way. The files, however, should be passed as regular fields appended with `Url` suffix. For example, to download a file named `content` from `http://example.com/file.jpg`, the client should pass `{"contentUrl":"http://example.com/file.jpg"}` as part of the message body. ## Error handling All errors (except for unhandled fatal server errors) send relevant HTTP status code together with JSON of following structure: ```json5 { "name": "Name of the error, e.g. 'PostNotFoundError'", "title": "Generic title of error message, e.g. 'Not found'", "description": "Detailed description of what went wrong, e.g. 'User `rr-` not found." } ``` List of possible error names: - `MissingRequiredFileError` - `MissingRequiredParameterError` - `InvalidParameterError` (when trying to pass text when integer is expected etc.) - `IntegrityError` (race conditions when editing the same resource) - `SearchError` - `AuthError` - `PostNotFoundError` - `PostAlreadyFeaturedError` - `PostAlreadyUploadedError` - `InvalidPostIdError` - `InvalidPostSafetyError` - `InvalidPostSourceError` - `InvalidPostContentError` - `InvalidPostRelationError` - `InvalidPostNoteError` - `InvalidPostFlagError` - `InvalidFavoriteTargetError` - `InvalidCommentIdError` - `CommentNotFoundError` - `EmptyCommentTextError` - `InvalidScoreTargetError` - `InvalidScoreValueError` - `TagCategoryNotFoundError` - `TagCategoryAlreadyExistsError` - `TagCategoryIsInUseError` - `InvalidTagCategoryNameError` - `InvalidTagCategoryColorError` - `TagNotFoundError` - `TagAlreadyExistsError` - `TagIsInUseError` - `InvalidTagNameError` - `InvalidTagRelationError` - `InvalidTagCategoryError` - `InvalidTagDescriptionError` - `UserNotFoundError` - `UserAlreadyExistsError` - `InvalidUserNameError` - `InvalidEmailError` - `InvalidPasswordError` - `InvalidRankError` - `InvalidAvatarError` - `ProcessingError` (failed to generate thumbnail or download remote file) - `ValidationError` (catch all for odd validation errors) ## Field selecting For performance considerations, sometimes the client might want to choose the fields the server sends to it in order to improve the query speed. This customization is available for top-level fields of most of the [resources](#resources). To choose the fields, the client should pass `?fields=field1,field2,...` suffix to the query. This works regardless of the request type (`GET`, `PUT` etc.). For example, to list posts while getting only their IDs and tags, the client should send a `GET` query like this: ``` GET /posts/?fields=id,tags ``` ## Versioning To prevent problems with concurrent resource modification, szurubooru implements optimistic locks using resource versions. Each modifiable resource has its `version` returned to the client with `GET` requests. At the same time, each `PUT` and `DELETE` request sent by the client must present the same `version` field to the server with value as it was given in `GET`. For example, given `GET /post/1`, the server responds like this: ``` { ..., "version": 2 } ``` This means the client must then send `{"version": 2}` back too. If the client fails to do so, the server will reject the request notifying about missing parameter. If someone has edited the post in the mean time, the server will reject the request as well, in which case the client is encouraged to notify the user about the situation. # API reference Depending on the deployment, the URLs might be relative to some base path such as `/api/`. Values denoted with diamond braces (``) signify variable data. ## Listing tag categories - **Request** `GET /tag-categories` - **Output** An [unpaged search result](#unpaged-search-result), for which `` is a [tag category resource](#tag-category). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Lists all tag categories. Doesn't use paging. **Note**: independently, the server exports current tag category list snapshots to the data directory under `tags.json` name. Its purpose is to reduce the trips frontend needs to make when doing autocompletion, and ease caching. The data directory and its URL are controlled with `data_dir` and `data_url` variables in server's configuration. ## Creating tag category - **Request** `POST /tag-categories` - **Input** ```json5 { "name": , "color": } ``` - **Output** A [tag category resource](#tag-category). - **Errors** - the name is used by an existing tag category (names are case insensitive) - the name is invalid or missing - the color is invalid or missing - privileges are too low - **Description** Creates a new tag category using specified parameters. Name must match `tag_category_name_regex` from server's configuration. First category created becomes the default category. ## Updating tag category - **Request** `PUT /tag-category/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": , "name": , // optional "color": , // optional } ``` - **Output** A [tag category resource](#tag-category). - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the tag category does not exist - the name is used by an existing tag category (names are case insensitive) - the name is invalid - the color is invalid - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates an existing tag category using specified parameters. Name must match `tag_category_name_regex` from server's configuration. All fields except the [`version`](#versioning) are optional - update concerns only provided fields. ## Getting tag category - **Request** `GET /tag-category/` - **Output** A [tag category resource](#tag-category). - **Errors** - the tag category does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves information about an existing tag category. ## Deleting tag category - **Request** `DELETE /tag-category/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 {} ``` - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the tag category does not exist - the tag category is used by some tags - the tag category is the last tag category available - privileges are too low - **Description** Deletes existing tag category. The tag category to be deleted must have no usages. ## Setting default tag category - **Request** `PUT /tag-category//default` - **Input** ```json5 {} ``` - **Output** A [tag category resource](#tag-category). - **Errors** - the tag category does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Sets given tag category as default. All new tags created manually or automatically will have this category. ## Listing tags - **Request** `GET /tags/?page=&pageSize=&query=` - **Output** A [paged search result resource](#paged-search-result), for which `` is a [tag resource](#tag). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Searches for tags. **Note**: independently, the server exports current tag list snapshots to the data directory under `tags.json` name. Its purpose is to reduce the trips frontend needs to make when doing autocompletion, and ease caching. The data directory and its URL are controlled with `data_dir` and `data_url` variables in server's configuration. **Anonymous tokens** Same as `name` token. **Named tokens** | `` | Description | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------- | | `name` | having given name (accepts wildcards) | | `category` | having given category | | `creation-date` | created at given date | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | edited at given date | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-date` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `usages` | used in given number of posts | | `usage-count` | alias of `usages` | | `post-count` | alias of `usages` | | `suggestion-count` | with given number of suggestions | | `implication-count` | with given number of implications | **Sort style tokens** | `` | Description | | ------------------- | ---------------------------- | | `random` | as random as it can get | | `name` | A to Z | | `category` | category (A to Z) | | `creation-date` | recently created first | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | recently edited first | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `creation-time` | | `edit-date` | alias of `creation-time` | | `edit-time` | alias of `creation-time` | | `usages` | used in most posts first | | `usage-count` | alias of `usages` | | `post-count` | alias of `usages` | | `suggestion-count` | with most suggestions first | | `implication-count` | with most implications first | **Special tokens** None. ## Creating tag - **Request** `POST /tags` - **Input** ```json5 { "names": [, , ...], "category": , "description": , // optional "implications": [, , ...], // optional "suggestions": [, , ...] // optional } ``` - **Output** A [tag resource](#tag). - **Errors** - any name is used by an existing tag (names are case insensitive) - any name, implication or is invalid - category is invalid - no name was specified - implications or suggestions contain any item from names (e.g. there's a shallow cyclic dependency) - privileges are too low - **Description** Creates a new tag using specified parameters. Names, suggestions and implications must match `tag_name_regex` from server's configuration. Category must exist and is the same as `name` field within [`` resource](#tag-category). Suggestions and implications are optional. If specified implied tags or suggested tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. If there are no tag categories established yet, an error will be thrown. ## Updating tag - **Request** `PUT /tag/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": , "names": [, , ...], // optional "category": , // optional "description": , // optional "implications": [, , ...], // optional "suggestions": [, , ...] // optional } ``` - **Output** A [tag resource](#tag). - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the tag does not exist - any name is used by an existing tag (names are case insensitive) - any name, implication or suggestion name is invalid - category is invalid - implications or suggestions contain any item from names (e.g. there's a shallow cyclic dependency) - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates an existing tag using specified parameters. Names, suggestions and implications must match `tag_name_regex` from server's configuration. Category must exist and is the same as `name` field within [`` resource](#tag-category). If specified implied tags or suggested tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. All fields except the [`version`](#versioning) are optional - update concerns only provided fields. ## Getting tag - **Request** `GET /tag/` - **Output** A [tag resource](#tag). - **Errors** - the tag does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves information about an existing tag. ## Deleting tag - **Request** `DELETE /tag/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 {} ``` - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the tag does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Deletes existing tag. The tag to be deleted must have no usages. ## Merging tags - **Request** `POST /tag-merge/` - **Input** ```json5 { "removeVersion": , "remove": , "mergeToVersion": , "mergeTo": } ``` - **Output** A [tag resource](#tag) containing the merged tag. - **Errors** - the version of either tag is outdated - the source or target tag does not exist - the source tag is the same as the target tag - privileges are too low - **Description** Removes source tag and merges all of its usages, suggestions and implications to the target tag. Other tag properties such as category and aliases do not get transferred and are discarded. ## Listing tag siblings - **Request** `GET /tag-siblings/` - **Output** ```json5 { "results": [ { "tag": , "occurrences": }, { "tag": , "occurrences": } ] } ``` ...where `` is a [tag resource](#tag). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Lists siblings of given tag, e.g. tags that were used in the same posts as the given tag. `occurrences` field signifies how many times a given sibling appears with given tag. Results are sorted by occurrences count and the list is truncated to the first 50 elements. Doesn't use paging. ## Listing posts - **Request** `GET /posts/?page=&pageSize=&query=` - **Output** A [paged search result resource](#paged-search-result), for which `` is a [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Searches for posts. **Anonymous tokens** Same as `tag` token. **Named tokens** | `` | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | `id` | having given post number | | `tag` | having given tag | | `score` | having given score | | `uploader` | uploaded by given user | | `upload` | alias of upload | | `submit` | alias of upload | | `comment` | commented by given user | | `fav` | favorited by given user | | `tag-count` | having given number of tags | | `comment-count` | having given number of comments | | `fav-count` | favorited by given number of users | | `note-count` | having given number of annotations | | `relation-count` | having given number of relations | | `feature-count` | having been featured given number of times | | `type` | given type of posts. `` can be either `image`, `animation` (or `animated` or `anim`), `flash` (or `swf`) or `video` (or `webm`). | | `content-checksum` | having given SHA1 checksum | | `file-size` | having given file size (in bytes) | | `image-width` | having given image width (where applicable) | | `image-height` | having given image height (where applicable) | | `image-area` | having given number of pixels (image width * image height) | | `width` | alias of `image-width` | | `height` | alias of `image-height` | | `area` | alias of `image-area` | | `creation-date` | posted at given date | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `date` | alias of `creation-date` | | `time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | edited at given date | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-date` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `comment-date` | commented at given date | | `comment-time` | alias of `comment-date` | | `fav-date` | last favorited at given date | | `fav-time` | alias of `fav-date` | | `feature-date` | featured at given date | | `feature-time` | alias of `feature-time` | | `safety` | having given safety. `` can be either `safe`, `sketchy` (or `questionable`) or `unsafe`. | | `rating` | alias of `safety` | **Sort style tokens** | `` | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | `random` | as random as it can get | | `id` | highest to lowest post number | | `score` | highest scored | | `tag-count` | with most tags | | `comment-count` | most commented first | | `fav-count` | loved by most | | `note-count` | with most annotations | | `relation-count` | with most relations | | `feature-count` | most often featured | | `file-size` | largest files first | | `image-width` | widest images first | | `image-height` | tallest images first | | `image-area` | largest images first | | `width` | alias of `image-width` | | `height` | alias of `image-height` | | `area` | alias of `image-area` | | `creation-date` | newest to oldest (pretty much same as id) | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `date` | alias of `creation-date` | | `time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | like creation-date, only looks at last edit time | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-date` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `comment-date` | recently commented by anyone | | `comment-time` | alias of `comment-date` | | `fav-date` | recently added to favorites by anyone | | `fav-time` | alias of `fav-date` | | `feature-date` | recently featured | | `feature-time` | alias of `feature-time` | **Special tokens** | `` | Description | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | `liked` | posts liked by currently logged in user | | `disliked` | posts disliked by currently logged in user | | `fav` | posts added to favorites by currently logged in user | | `tumbleweed` | posts with score of 0, without comments and without favorites | ## Creating post - **Request** `POST /posts/` - **Input** ```json5 { "tags": [, , ], "safety": , "source": , // optional "relations": [, , ], // optional "notes": [, , ], // optional "flags": [, ], // optional "anonymous": // optional } ``` - **Files** - `content` - the content of the post. - `thumbnail` - the content of custom thumbnail (optional). - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - tags have invalid names - safety, notes or flags are invalid - relations refer to non-existing posts - privileges are too low - **Description** Creates a new post. If specified tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. Safety must be any of `"safe"`, `"sketchy"` or `"unsafe"`. Relations must contain valid post IDs. `` currently can be only `"loop"` to enable looping for video posts. Sending empty `thumbnail` will cause the post to use default thumbnail. If `anonymous` is set to truthy value, the uploader name won't be recorded (privilege verification still applies; it's possible to disallow anonymous uploads completely from config.) For details how to pass `content` and `thumbnail`, see [file uploads](#file-uploads). ## Updating post - **Request** `PUT /post/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": , "tags": [, , ], // optional "safety": , // optional "source": , // optional "relations": [, , ], // optional "notes": [, , ], // optional "flags": [, ] // optional } ``` - **Files** - `content` - the content of the post (optional). - `thumbnail` - the content of custom thumbnail (optional). - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - the version is outdated - tags have invalid names - safety, notes or flags are invalid - relations refer to non-existing posts - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates existing post. If specified tags do not exist yet, they will be automatically created. Tags created automatically have no implications, no suggestions, one name and their category is set to the first tag category found. Safety must be any of `"safe"`, `"sketchy"` or `"unsafe"`. Relations must contain valid post IDs. `` currently can be only `"loop"` to enable looping for video posts. Sending empty `thumbnail` will reset the post thumbnail to default. For details how to pass `content` and `thumbnail`, see [file uploads](#file-uploads). All fields except the [`version`](#versioning) are optional - update concerns only provided fields. ## Getting post - **Request** `GET /post/` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - the post does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves information about an existing post. ## Deleting post - **Request** `DELETE /post/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 {} ``` - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the post does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Deletes existing post. Related posts and tags are kept. ## Merging posts - **Request** `POST /post-merge/` - **Input** ```json5 { "removeVersion": , "remove": , "mergeToVersion": , "mergeTo": , "replaceContent": } ``` - **Output** A [post resource](#post) containing the merged post. - **Errors** - the version of either post is outdated - the source or target post does not exist - the source post is the same as the target post - privileges are too low - **Description** Removes source post and merges all of its tags, relations, scores, favorites and comments to the target post. If `replaceContent` is set to true, content of the target post is replaced using the content of the source post; otherwise it remains unchanged. Source post properties such as its safety, source, whether to loop the video and other scalar values do not get transferred and are discarded. ## Rating post - **Request** `PUT /post//score` - **Input** ```json5 { "score": } ``` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - post does not exist - score is invalid - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates score of authenticated user for given post. Valid scores are -1, 0 and 1. ## Adding post to favorites - **Request** `POST /post//favorite` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - post does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Marks the post as favorite for authenticated user. ## Removing post from favorites - **Request** `DELETE /post//favorite` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - post does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Unmarks the post as favorite for authenticated user. ## Getting featured post - **Request** `GET /featured-post` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves the post that is currently featured on the main page in web client. If no post is featured, `` is null. Note that this method exists mostly for compatibility with setting featured post - most of times, you'd want to use query global info which contains more information. ## Featuring post - **Request** `POST /featured-post` - **Input** ```json5 { "id": } ``` - **Output** A [post resource](#post). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - trying to feature a post that is currently featured - **Description** Features a post on the main page in web client. ## Reverse image search - **Request** `POST /posts/reverse-search` - **Files** - `content` - the image to search for. - **Output** A list of [image search results](#image-search-result). - **Errors** - input file is not an image - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves posts that look like the input image. Works only on images and animations, i.e. does not work for videos and Flash movies. ## Listing comments - **Request** `GET /comments/?page=&pageSize=&query=` - **Output** A [paged search result resource](#paged-search-result), for which `` is a [comment resource](#comment). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Searches for comments. **Anonymous tokens** Same as `text` token. **Named tokens** | `` | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | `id` | specific comment ID | | `post` | specific post ID | | `user` | created by given user (accepts wildcards) | | `author` | alias of `user` | | `text` | containing given text (accepts wildcards) | | `creation-date` | created at given date | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | whose most recent edit date matches given date | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-date` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | **Sort style tokens** | `` | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------- | | `random` | as random as it can get | | `user` | author name, A to Z | | `author` | alias of `user` | | `post` | post ID, newest to oldest | | `creation-date` | newest to oldest | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-edit-date` | recently edited first | | `last-edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-date` | alias of `last-edit-date` | | `edit-time` | alias of `last-edit-date` | **Special tokens** None. ## Creating comment - **Request** `POST /comments/` - **Input** ```json5 { "text": , "postId": } ``` - **Output** A [comment resource](#comment). - **Errors** - the post does not exist - comment text is empty - privileges are too low - **Description** Creates a new comment under given post. ## Updating comment - **Request** `PUT /comment/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": , "text": // mandatory } ``` - **Output** A [comment resource](#comment). - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the comment does not exist - new comment text is empty - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates an existing comment text. ## Getting comment - **Request** `GET /comment/` - **Output** A [comment resource](#comment). - **Errors** - the comment does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves information about an existing comment. ## Deleting comment - **Request** `DELETE /comment/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 {} ``` - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the comment does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Deletes existing comment. ## Rating comment - **Request** `PUT /comment//score` - **Input** ```json5 { "score": } ``` - **Output** A [comment resource](#comment). - **Errors** - comment does not exist - score is invalid - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates score of authenticated user for given comment. Valid scores are -1, 0 and 1. ## Listing users - **Request** `GET /users/?page=&pageSize=&query=` - **Output** A [paged search result resource](#paged-search-result), for which `` is a [user resource](#user). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Searches for users. **Anonymous tokens** Same as `name` token. **Named tokens** | `` | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | `name` | having given name (accepts wildcards) | | `creation-date` | registered at given date | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-login-date` | whose most recent login date matches given date | | `last-login-time` | alias of `last-login-date` | | `login-date` | alias of `last-login-date` | | `login-time` | alias of `last-login-date` | **Sort style tokens** | `` | Description | | ----------------- | -------------------------- | | `random` | as random as it can get | | `name` | A to Z | | `creation-date` | newest to oldest | | `creation-time` | alias of `creation-date` | | `last-login-date` | recently active first | | `last-login-time` | alias of `last-login-date` | | `login-date` | alias of `last-login-date` | | `login-time` | alias of `last-login-date` | **Special tokens** None. ## Creating user - **Request** `POST /users` - **Input** ```json5 { "name": , "password": , "email": , // optional "rank": , // optional "avatarStyle": // optional } ``` - **Files** - `avatar` - the content of the new avatar (optional). - **Output** A [user resource](#user). - **Errors** - a user with such name already exists (names are case insensitive) - either user name, password, email or rank are invalid - the user is trying to update their or someone else's rank to higher than their own - avatar is missing for manual avatar style - privileges are too low - **Description** Creates a new user using specified parameters. Names and passwords must match `user_name_regex` and `password_regex` from server's configuration, respectively. Email address, rank and avatar fields are optional. Avatar style can be either `gravatar` or `manual`. `manual` avatar style requires client to pass also `avatar` file - see [file uploads](#file-uploads) for details. If the rank is empty and the user happens to be the first user ever created, become an administrator, whereas subsequent users will be given the rank indicated by `default_rank` in the server's configuration. ## Updating user - **Request** `PUT /user/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": , "name": , // optional "password": , // optional "email": , // optional "rank": , // optional "avatarStyle": // optional } ``` - **Files** - `avatar` - the content of the new avatar (optional). - **Output** A [user resource](#user). - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the user does not exist - a user with new name already exists (names are case insensitive) - either user name, password, email or rank are invalid - the user is trying to update their or someone else's rank to higher than their own - avatar is missing for manual avatar style - privileges are too low - **Description** Updates an existing user using specified parameters. Names and passwords must match `user_name_regex` and `password_regex` from server's configuration, respectively. All fields are optional - update concerns only provided fields. To update last login time, see [authentication](#authentication). Avatar style can be either `gravatar` or `manual`. `manual` avatar style requires client to pass also `avatar` file - see [file uploads](#file-uploads) for details. All fields except the [`version`](#versioning) are optional - update concerns only provided fields. ## Getting user - **Request** `GET /user/` - **Output** A [user resource](#user). - **Errors** - the user does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Retrieves information about an existing user. ## Deleting user - **Request** `DELETE /user/` - **Input** ```json5 { "version": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 {} ``` - **Errors** - the version is outdated - the user does not exist - privileges are too low - **Description** Deletes existing user. ## Password reset - step 1: mail request - **Request** `GET /password-reset/` - **Output** ``` {} ``` - **Errors** - the user does not exist - the user hasn't provided an email address - **Description** Sends a confirmation email to given user. The email contains link containing a token. The token cannot be guessed, thus using such link proves that the person who requested to reset the password also owns the mailbox, which is a strong indication they are the rightful owner of the account. ## Password reset - step 2: confirmation - **Request** `POST /password-reset/` - **Input** ```json5 { "token": } ``` - **Output** ```json5 { "password": } ``` - **Errors** - the token is missing - the token is invalid - the user does not exist - **Description** Generates a new password for given user. Password is sent as plain-text, so it is recommended to connect through HTTPS. ## Listing snapshots - **Request** `GET /snapshots/?page=&pageSize=&query=` - **Output** A [paged search result resource](#paged-search-result), for which `` is a [snapshot resource](#snapshot). - **Errors** - privileges are too low - **Description** Lists recent resource snapshots. **Anonymous tokens** Not supported. **Named tokens** | `` | Description | | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | `type` | involving given resource type | | `id` | involving given resource id | | `date` | created at given date | | `time` | alias of `date` | | `operation` | `modified`, `created`, `deleted` or `merged` | | `user` | name of the user that created given snapshot | **Sort style tokens** None. The snapshots are always sorted by creation time. **Special tokens** None. ## Getting global info - **Request** `GET /info` - **Output** ```json5 { "postCount": , "diskUsage": , // in bytes "featuredPost": , "featuringTime":