import unescape from 'lodash/unescape' import get from 'lodash/get' import map from 'lodash/map' import reject from 'lodash/reject' import TabSwitcher from '../tab_switcher/tab_switcher.js' import ImageCropper from '../image_cropper/image_cropper.vue' import StyleSwitcher from '../style_switcher/style_switcher.vue' import ScopeSelector from '../scope_selector/scope_selector.vue' import fileSizeFormatService from '../../services/file_size_format/file_size_format.js' import BlockCard from '../block_card/block_card.vue' import MuteCard from '../mute_card/mute_card.vue' import DomainMuteCard from '../domain_mute_card/domain_mute_card.vue' import SelectableList from '../selectable_list/selectable_list.vue' import ProgressButton from '../progress_button/progress_button.vue' import EmojiInput from '../emoji_input/emoji_input.vue' import suggestor from '../emoji_input/suggestor.js' import Autosuggest from '../autosuggest/autosuggest.vue' import Importer from '../importer/importer.vue' import Exporter from '../exporter/exporter.vue' import withSubscription from '../../hocs/with_subscription/with_subscription' import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue' import Mfa from './mfa.vue' const BlockList = withSubscription({ fetch: (props, $store) => $store.dispatch('fetchBlocks'), select: (props, $store) => get($store.state.users.currentUser, 'blockIds', []), childPropName: 'items' })(SelectableList) const MuteList = withSubscription({ fetch: (props, $store) => $store.dispatch('fetchMutes'), select: (props, $store) => get($store.state.users.currentUser, 'muteIds', []), childPropName: 'items' })(SelectableList) const DomainMuteList = withSubscription({ fetch: (props, $store) => $store.dispatch('fetchDomainMutes'), select: (props, $store) => get($store.state.users.currentUser, 'domainMutes', []), childPropName: 'items' })(SelectableList) const UserSettings = { data () { return { newEmail: '', newName: this.$, newBio: unescape(this.$store.state.users.currentUser.description), newLocked: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.locked, newNoRichText: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.no_rich_text, newDefaultScope: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.default_scope, hideFollows: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.hide_follows, hideFollowers: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.hide_followers, hideFollowsCount: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.hide_follows_count, hideFollowersCount: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.hide_followers_count, showRole: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.show_role, role: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.role, discoverable: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.discoverable, allowFollowingMove: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.allow_following_move, pickAvatarBtnVisible: true, bannerUploading: false, backgroundUploading: false, banner: null, bannerPreview: null, background: null, backgroundPreview: null, bannerUploadError: null, backgroundUploadError: null, changeEmailError: false, changeEmailPassword: '', changedEmail: false, deletingAccount: false, deleteAccountConfirmPasswordInput: '', deleteAccountError: false, changePasswordInputs: [ '', '', '' ], changedPassword: false, changePasswordError: false, activeTab: 'profile', notificationSettings: this.$store.state.users.currentUser.notification_settings, newDomainToMute: '' } }, created () { this.$store.dispatch('fetchTokens') }, components: { StyleSwitcher, ScopeSelector, TabSwitcher, ImageCropper, BlockList, MuteList, DomainMuteList, EmojiInput, Autosuggest, BlockCard, MuteCard, DomainMuteCard, ProgressButton, Importer, Exporter, Mfa, Checkbox }, computed: { user () { return this.$store.state.users.currentUser }, emojiUserSuggestor () { return suggestor({ emoji: [ ...this.$store.state.instance.emoji, ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji ], users: this.$store.state.users.users, updateUsersList: (input) => this.$store.dispatch('searchUsers', input) }) }, emojiSuggestor () { return suggestor({ emoji: [ ...this.$store.state.instance.emoji, ...this.$store.state.instance.customEmoji ] }) }, pleromaBackend () { return this.$store.state.instance.pleromaBackend }, minimalScopesMode () { return this.$store.state.instance.minimalScopesMode }, vis () { return { public: { selected: this.newDefaultScope === 'public' }, unlisted: { selected: this.newDefaultScope === 'unlisted' }, private: { selected: this.newDefaultScope === 'private' }, direct: { selected: this.newDefaultScope === 'direct' } } }, currentSaveStateNotice () { return this.$store.state.interface.settings.currentSaveStateNotice }, oauthTokens () { return this.$ => { return { id:, appName: oauthToken.app_name, validUntil: new Date(oauthToken.valid_until).toLocaleDateString() } }) } }, methods: { updateProfile () { this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor .updateProfile({ params: { note: this.newBio, locked: this.newLocked, // Backend notation. /* eslint-disable camelcase */ display_name: this.newName, default_scope: this.newDefaultScope, no_rich_text: this.newNoRichText, hide_follows: this.hideFollows, hide_followers: this.hideFollowers, discoverable: this.discoverable, allow_following_move: this.allowFollowingMove, hide_follows_count: this.hideFollowsCount, hide_followers_count: this.hideFollowersCount, show_role: this.showRole /* eslint-enable camelcase */ } }).then((user) => { this.$store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]) this.$store.commit('setCurrentUser', user) }) }, updateNotificationSettings () { this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor .updateNotificationSettings({ settings: this.notificationSettings }) }, changeVis (visibility) { this.newDefaultScope = visibility }, uploadFile (slot, e) { const file =[0] if (!file) { return } if (file.size > this.$store.state.instance[slot + 'limit']) { const filesize = fileSizeFormatService.fileSizeFormat(file.size) const allowedsize = fileSizeFormatService.fileSizeFormat(this.$store.state.instance[slot + 'limit']) this[slot + 'UploadError'] = this.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + this.$t('upload.error.file_too_big', { filesize: filesize.num, filesizeunit: filesize.unit, allowedsize: allowedsize.num, allowedsizeunit: allowedsize.unit }) return } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = ({ target }) => { const img = target.result this[slot + 'Preview'] = img this[slot] = file } reader.readAsDataURL(file) }, submitAvatar (cropper, file) { const that = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function updateAvatar (avatar) { that.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.updateAvatar({ avatar }) .then((user) => { that.$store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]) that.$store.commit('setCurrentUser', user) resolve() }) .catch((err) => { reject(new Error(that.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + err.message)) }) } if (cropper) { cropper.getCroppedCanvas().toBlob(updateAvatar, file.type) } else { updateAvatar(file) } }) }, clearUploadError (slot) { this[slot + 'UploadError'] = null }, submitBanner () { if (!this.bannerPreview) { return } this.bannerUploading = true this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.updateBanner({ banner: this.banner }) .then((user) => { this.$store.commit('addNewUsers', [user]) this.$store.commit('setCurrentUser', user) this.bannerPreview = null }) .catch((err) => { this.bannerUploadError = this.$t('upload.error.base') + ' ' + err.message }) .then(() => { this.bannerUploading = false }) }, submitBg () { if (!this.backgroundPreview) { return } let background = this.background this.backgroundUploading = true this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.updateBg({ background }).then((data) => { if (!data.error) { this.$store.commit('addNewUsers', [data]) this.$store.commit('setCurrentUser', data) this.backgroundPreview = null } else { this.backgroundUploadError = this.$t('upload.error.base') + data.error } this.backgroundUploading = false }) }, importFollows (file) { return this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.importFollows({ file }) .then((status) => { if (!status) { throw new Error('failed') } }) }, importBlocks (file) { return this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.importBlocks({ file }) .then((status) => { if (!status) { throw new Error('failed') } }) }, generateExportableUsersContent (users) { // Get addresses return => { // check is it's a local user if (user && user.is_local) { // append the instance address // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return user.screen_name + '@' + location.hostname } return user.screen_name }).join('\n') }, getFollowsContent () { return this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.exportFriends({ id: this.$ }) .then(this.generateExportableUsersContent) }, getBlocksContent () { return this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchBlocks() .then(this.generateExportableUsersContent) }, confirmDelete () { this.deletingAccount = true }, deleteAccount () { this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.deleteAccount({ password: this.deleteAccountConfirmPasswordInput }) .then((res) => { if (res.status === 'success') { this.$store.dispatch('logout') this.$router.push({ name: 'root' }) } else { this.deleteAccountError = res.error } }) }, changePassword () { const params = { password: this.changePasswordInputs[0], newPassword: this.changePasswordInputs[1], newPasswordConfirmation: this.changePasswordInputs[2] } this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.changePassword(params) .then((res) => { if (res.status === 'success') { this.changedPassword = true this.changePasswordError = false this.logout() } else { this.changedPassword = false this.changePasswordError = res.error } }) }, changeEmail () { const params = { email: this.newEmail, password: this.changeEmailPassword } this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.changeEmail(params) .then((res) => { if (res.status === 'success') { this.changedEmail = true this.changeEmailError = false } else { this.changedEmail = false this.changeEmailError = res.error } }) }, activateTab (tabName) { this.activeTab = tabName }, logout () { this.$store.dispatch('logout') this.$router.replace('/') }, revokeToken (id) { if (window.confirm(`${this.$i18n.t('settings.revoke_token')}?`)) { this.$store.dispatch('revokeToken', id) } }, filterUnblockedUsers (userIds) { return reject(userIds, (userId) => { const relationship = this.$store.state.users.relationships[userId] || {} return relationship.blocking || userId === this.$ }) }, filterUnMutedUsers (userIds) { return reject(userIds, (userId) => { const relationship = this.$store.state.users.relationships[userId] || {} return relationship.muting || userId === this.$ }) }, queryUserIds (query) { return this.$store.dispatch('searchUsers', query) .then((users) => map(users, 'id')) }, blockUsers (ids) { return this.$store.dispatch('blockUsers', ids) }, unblockUsers (ids) { return this.$store.dispatch('unblockUsers', ids) }, muteUsers (ids) { return this.$store.dispatch('muteUsers', ids) }, unmuteUsers (ids) { return this.$store.dispatch('unmuteUsers', ids) }, unmuteDomains (domains) { return this.$store.dispatch('unmuteDomains', domains) }, muteDomain () { return this.$store.dispatch('muteDomain', this.newDomainToMute) .then(() => { this.newDomainToMute = '' }) }, identity (value) { return value } } } export default UserSettings