Fork 0
forked from mirrors/akkoma

init tesla and updated the http requests in Pleroma.Web.Websub

This commit is contained in:
Maksim Pechnikov 2018-12-01 08:26:59 +03:00
parent 88b05aeabb
commit 3ce16e5a56
8 changed files with 175 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ config :mime, :types, %{
config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.Websub config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.Websub
config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatus config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatus
config :pleroma, :httpoison, Pleroma.HTTP config :pleroma, :httpoison, Pleroma.HTTP
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney
# Configures http settings, upstream proxy etc. # Configures http settings, upstream proxy etc.
config :pleroma, :http, proxy_url: nil config :pleroma, :http, proxy_url: nil

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ config :pbkdf2_elixir, rounds: 1
config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.WebsubMock config :pleroma, :websub, Pleroma.Web.WebsubMock
config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatusMock config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatusMock
config :pleroma, :httpoison, HTTPoisonMock config :pleroma, :httpoison, HTTPoisonMock
config :tesla, adapter: Tesla.Mock
try do try do
import_config "test.secret.exs" import_config "test.secret.exs"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.Connection do
@hackney_options [pool: :default]
@doc """
Configure a client connection
# Returns
@spec new(Keyword.t()) :: Tesla.Env.client()
def new(opts \\ []) do
Tesla.client([], {Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, hackney_options(opts)})
# fetch Hackney options
defp hackney_options(opts \\ []) do
options = Keyword.get(opts, :adapter, [])
@hackney_options ++ options

View file

@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
defmodule Pleroma.HTTP do defmodule Pleroma.HTTP do
require HTTPoison require HTTPoison
alias Pleroma.HTTP.Connection
alias Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilder, as: Builder
def request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do def request(method, url, body \\ "", headers \\ [], options \\ []) do
options = options =
process_request_options(options) process_request_options(options)
|> process_sni_options(url) |> process_sni_options(url)
HTTPoison.request(method, url, body, headers, options) %{}
|> Builder.method(method)
|> Builder.headers(headers)
|> Builder.opts(options)
|> Builder.url(url)
|> Builder.add_param(:body, :body, body)
|> Enum.into([])
|> (&Tesla.request(Connection.new(), &1)).()
end end
defp process_sni_options(options, url) do defp process_sni_options(options, url) do
@ -22,7 +31,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTTP do
def process_request_options(options) do def process_request_options(options) do
config = Application.get_env(:pleroma, :http, []) config = Application.get_env(:pleroma, :http, [])
proxy = Keyword.get(config, :proxy_url, nil) proxy = Keyword.get(config, :proxy_url, nil)
options = options ++ [hackney: [pool: :default]] options = options ++ [adapter: [pool: :default]]
case proxy do case proxy do
nil -> options nil -> options
@ -30,7 +39,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.HTTP do
end end
end end
def get(url, headers \\ [], options \\ []), do: request(:get, url, "", headers, options) def get(url, headers \\ [], options \\ []),
do: request(:get, url, "", headers, options)
def post(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ []), def post(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ []),
do: request(:post, url, body, headers, options) do: request(:post, url, body, headers, options)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilder do
@moduledoc """
Helper functions for building Tesla requests
@doc """
Specify the request method when building a request
## Parameters
- request (Map) - Collected request options
- m (atom) - Request method
## Returns
@spec method(map(), atom) :: map()
def method(request, m) do
Map.put_new(request, :method, m)
@doc """
Specify the request method when building a request
## Parameters
- request (Map) - Collected request options
- u (String) - Request URL
## Returns
@spec url(map(), String.t()) :: map()
def url(request, u) do
Map.put_new(request, :url, u)
@doc """
Add headers to the request
@spec headers(map(), list(tuple)) :: map()
def headers(request, h) do
Map.put_new(request, :headers, h)
@doc """
Add custom, per-request middleware or adapter options to the request
@spec opts(map(), Keyword.t()) :: map()
def opts(request, options) do
Map.put_new(request, :opts, options)
@doc """
Add optional parameters to the request
## Parameters
- request (Map) - Collected request options
- definitions (Map) - Map of parameter name to parameter location.
- options (KeywordList) - The provided optional parameters
## Returns
@spec add_optional_params(map(), %{optional(atom) => atom}, keyword()) :: map()
def add_optional_params(request, _, []), do: request
def add_optional_params(request, definitions, [{key, value} | tail]) do
case definitions do
%{^key => location} ->
|> add_param(location, key, value)
|> add_optional_params(definitions, tail)
_ ->
add_optional_params(request, definitions, tail)
@doc """
Add optional parameters to the request
## Parameters
- request (Map) - Collected request options
- location (atom) - Where to put the parameter
- key (atom) - The name of the parameter
- value (any) - The value of the parameter
## Returns
@spec add_param(map(), atom, atom, any()) :: map()
def add_param(request, :body, :body, value), do: Map.put(request, :body, value)
def add_param(request, :body, key, value) do
|> Map.put_new_lazy(:body, &Tesla.Multipart.new/0)
|> Map.update!(
&Tesla.Multipart.add_field(&1, key, Poison.encode!(value),
headers: [{:"Content-Type", "application/json"}]
def add_param(request, :file, name, path) do
|> Map.put_new_lazy(:body, &Tesla.Multipart.new/0)
|> Map.update!(:body, &Tesla.Multipart.add_file(&1, path, name: name))
def add_param(request, :form, name, value) do
|> Map.update(:body, %{name => value}, &Map.put(&1, name, value))
def add_param(request, location, key, value) do
Map.update(request, location, [{key, value}], &(&1 ++ [{key, value}]))

View file

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub do
def gather_feed_data(topic, getter \\ &@httpoison.get/1) do def gather_feed_data(topic, getter \\ &@httpoison.get/1) do
with {:ok, response} <- getter.(topic), with {:ok, response} <- getter.(topic),
status_code when status_code in 200..299 <- response.status_code, status_code when status_code in 200..299 <- response.status,
body <- response.body, body <- response.body,
doc <- XML.parse_document(body), doc <- XML.parse_document(body),
uri when not is_nil(uri) <- XML.string_from_xpath("/feed/author[1]/uri", doc), uri when not is_nil(uri) <- XML.string_from_xpath("/feed/author[1]/uri", doc),
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub do
task = Task.async(websub_checker) task = Task.async(websub_checker)
with {:ok, %{status_code: 202}} <- with {:ok, %{status: 202}} <-
poster.(websub.hub, {:form, data}, "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), poster.(websub.hub, {:form, data}, "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
{:ok, websub} <- Task.yield(task, timeout) do {:ok, websub} <- Task.yield(task, timeout) do
{:ok, websub} {:ok, websub}
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub do
signature = sign(secret || "", xml) signature = sign(secret || "", xml)
Logger.info(fn -> "Pushing #{topic} to #{callback}" end) Logger.info(fn -> "Pushing #{topic} to #{callback}" end)
with {:ok, %{status_code: code}} <- with {:ok, %{status: code}} <-
@httpoison.post( @httpoison.post(
callback, callback,
xml, xml,
@ -265,9 +265,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Websub do
{"Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"}, {"Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"},
{"X-Hub-Signature", "sha1=#{signature}"} {"X-Hub-Signature", "sha1=#{signature}"}
], ],
adapter: [
timeout: 10000, timeout: 10000,
recv_timeout: 20000, recv_timeout: 20000,
hackney: [pool: :default] pool: :default
) do ) do
Logger.info(fn -> "Pushed to #{callback}, code #{code}" end) Logger.info(fn -> "Pushed to #{callback}, code #{code}" end)
{:ok, code} {:ok, code}

View file

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Mixfile do
{:calendar, "~> 0.17.4"}, {:calendar, "~> 0.17.4"},
{:cachex, "~> 3.0.2"}, {:cachex, "~> 3.0.2"},
{:httpoison, "~> 1.2.0"}, {:httpoison, "~> 1.2.0"},
{:tesla, "~> 1.2"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"}, {:jason, "~> 1.0"},
{:mogrify, "~> 0.6.1"}, {:mogrify, "~> 0.6.1"},
{:ex_aws, "~> 2.0"}, {:ex_aws, "~> 2.0"},

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"eternal": {:hex, :eternal, "1.2.0", "e2a6b6ce3b8c248f7dc31451aefca57e3bdf0e48d73ae5043229380a67614c41", [:mix], [], "hexpm"}, "eternal": {:hex, :eternal, "1.2.0", "e2a6b6ce3b8c248f7dc31451aefca57e3bdf0e48d73ae5043229380a67614c41", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"ex_aws": {:hex, :ex_aws, "2.1.0", "b92651527d6c09c479f9013caa9c7331f19cba38a650590d82ebf2c6c16a1d8a", [:mix], [{:configparser_ex, "~> 2.0", [hex: :configparser_ex, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "1.6.3 or 1.6.5 or 1.7.1 or 1.8.6 or ~> 1.9", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jsx, "~> 2.8", [hex: :jsx, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:poison, ">= 1.2.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:xml_builder, "~> 0.1.0", [hex: :xml_builder, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"}, "ex_aws": {:hex, :ex_aws, "2.1.0", "b92651527d6c09c479f9013caa9c7331f19cba38a650590d82ebf2c6c16a1d8a", [:mix], [{:configparser_ex, "~> 2.0", [hex: :configparser_ex, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "1.6.3 or 1.6.5 or 1.7.1 or 1.8.6 or ~> 1.9", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jsx, "~> 2.8", [hex: :jsx, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:poison, ">= 1.2.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:sweet_xml, "~> 0.6", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:xml_builder, "~> 0.1.0", [hex: :xml_builder, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"ex_aws_s3": {:hex, :ex_aws_s3, "2.0.1", "9e09366e77f25d3d88c5393824e613344631be8db0d1839faca49686e99b6704", [:mix], [{:ex_aws, "~> 2.0", [hex: :ex_aws, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:sweet_xml, ">= 0.0.0", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"}, "ex_aws_s3": {:hex, :ex_aws_s3, "2.0.1", "9e09366e77f25d3d88c5393824e613344631be8db0d1839faca49686e99b6704", [:mix], [{:ex_aws, "~> 2.0", [hex: :ex_aws, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:sweet_xml, ">= 0.0.0", [hex: :sweet_xml, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"ex_doc": {:hex, :ex_doc, "0.19.1", "519bb9c19526ca51d326c060cb1778d4a9056b190086a8c6c115828eaccea6cf", [:mix], [{:earmark, "~> 1.1", [hex: :earmark, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:makeup_elixir, "~> 0.7", [hex: :makeup_elixir, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"ex_machina": {:hex, :ex_machina, "2.2.0", "fec496331e04fc2db2a1a24fe317c12c0c4a50d2beb8ebb3531ed1f0d84be0ed", [:mix], [{:ecto, "~> 2.1", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"}, "ex_machina": {:hex, :ex_machina, "2.2.0", "fec496331e04fc2db2a1a24fe317c12c0c4a50d2beb8ebb3531ed1f0d84be0ed", [:mix], [{:ecto, "~> 2.1", [hex: :ecto, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"gettext": {:hex, :gettext, "0.15.0", "40a2b8ce33a80ced7727e36768499fc9286881c43ebafccae6bab731e2b2b8ce", [:mix], [], "hexpm"}, "gettext": {:hex, :gettext, "0.15.0", "40a2b8ce33a80ced7727e36768499fc9286881c43ebafccae6bab731e2b2b8ce", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
"hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "1.13.0", "24edc8cd2b28e1c652593833862435c80661834f6c9344e84b6a2255e7aeef03", [:rebar3], [{:certifi, "2.3.1", [hex: :certifi, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:idna, "5.1.2", [hex: :idna, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:metrics, "1.0.1", [hex: :metrics, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mimerl, "1.0.2", [hex: :mimerl, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.1", [hex: :ssl_verify_fun, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "hackney": {:hex, :hackney, "1.13.0", "24edc8cd2b28e1c652593833862435c80661834f6c9344e84b6a2255e7aeef03", [:rebar3], [{:certifi, "2.3.1", [hex: :certifi, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:idna, "5.1.2", [hex: :idna, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:metrics, "1.0.1", [hex: :metrics, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:mimerl, "1.0.2", [hex: :mimerl, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.1", [hex: :ssl_verify_fun, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
"idna": {:hex, :idna, "5.1.2", "e21cb58a09f0228a9e0b95eaa1217f1bcfc31a1aaa6e1fdf2f53a33f7dbd9494", [:rebar3], [{:unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "idna": {:hex, :idna, "5.1.2", "e21cb58a09f0228a9e0b95eaa1217f1bcfc31a1aaa6e1fdf2f53a33f7dbd9494", [:rebar3], [{:unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", [hex: :unicode_util_compat, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.0.0", "0f7cfa9bdb23fed721ec05419bcee2b2c21a77e926bce0deda029b5adc716fe2", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"}, "jason": {:hex, :jason, "1.0.0", "0f7cfa9bdb23fed721ec05419bcee2b2c21a77e926bce0deda029b5adc716fe2", [:mix], [{:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"makeup": {:hex, :makeup, "0.5.5", "9e08dfc45280c5684d771ad58159f718a7b5788596099bdfb0284597d368a882", [:mix], [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.4", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "makeup": {:hex, :makeup, "0.5.5", "9e08dfc45280c5684d771ad58159f718a7b5788596099bdfb0284597d368a882", [:mix], [{:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.4", [hex: :nimble_parsec, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"makeup_elixir": {:hex, :makeup_elixir, "0.10.0", "0f09c2ddf352887a956d84f8f7e702111122ca32fbbc84c2f0569b8b65cbf7fa", [:mix], [{:makeup, "~> 0.5.5", [hex: :makeup, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"meck": {:hex, :meck, "0.8.9", "64c5c0bd8bcca3a180b44196265c8ed7594e16bcc845d0698ec6b4e577f48188", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"}, "meck": {:hex, :meck, "0.8.9", "64c5c0bd8bcca3a180b44196265c8ed7594e16bcc845d0698ec6b4e577f48188", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"metrics": {:hex, :metrics, "1.0.1", "25f094dea2cda98213cecc3aeff09e940299d950904393b2a29d191c346a8486", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"}, "metrics": {:hex, :metrics, "1.0.1", "25f094dea2cda98213cecc3aeff09e940299d950904393b2a29d191c346a8486", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"mime": {:hex, :mime, "1.3.0", "5e8d45a39e95c650900d03f897fbf99ae04f60ab1daa4a34c7a20a5151b7a5fe", [:mix], [], "hexpm"}, "mime": {:hex, :mime, "1.3.0", "5e8d45a39e95c650900d03f897fbf99ae04f60ab1daa4a34c7a20a5151b7a5fe", [:mix], [], "hexpm"},
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
"postgrex": {:hex, :postgrex, "0.13.5", "3d931aba29363e1443da167a4b12f06dcd171103c424de15e5f3fc2ba3e6d9c5", [:mix], [{:connection, "~> 1.0", [hex: :connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:db_connection, "~> 1.1", [hex: :db_connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "postgrex": {:hex, :postgrex, "0.13.5", "3d931aba29363e1443da167a4b12f06dcd171103c424de15e5f3fc2ba3e6d9c5", [:mix], [{:connection, "~> 1.0", [hex: :connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:db_connection, "~> 1.1", [hex: :db_connection, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:decimal, "~> 1.0", [hex: :decimal, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.3.2", "e4965a144dc9fbe70e5c077c65e73c57165416a901bd02ea899cfd95aa890986", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"}, "ranch": {:hex, :ranch, "1.3.2", "e4965a144dc9fbe70e5c077c65e73c57165416a901bd02ea899cfd95aa890986", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},
"ssl_verify_fun": {:hex, :ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.1", "28a4d65b7f59893bc2c7de786dec1e1555bd742d336043fe644ae956c3497fbe", [:make, :rebar], [], "hexpm"}, "ssl_verify_fun": {:hex, :ssl_verify_fun, "1.1.1", "28a4d65b7f59893bc2c7de786dec1e1555bd742d336043fe644ae956c3497fbe", [:make, :rebar], [], "hexpm"},
"tesla": {:hex, :tesla, "1.2.1", "864783cc27f71dd8c8969163704752476cec0f3a51eb3b06393b3971dc9733ff", [:mix], [{:exjsx, ">= 3.0.0", [hex: :exjsx, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:fuse, "~> 2.4", [hex: :fuse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:hackney, "~> 1.6", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:ibrowse, "~> 4.4.0", [hex: :ibrowse, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:jason, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :jason, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}, {:mime, "~> 1.0", [hex: :mime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}, {:poison, ">= 1.0.0", [hex: :poison, repo: "hexpm", optional: true]}], "hexpm"},
"trailing_format_plug": {:hex, :trailing_format_plug, "0.0.7", "64b877f912cf7273bed03379936df39894149e35137ac9509117e59866e10e45", [:mix], [{:plug, "> 0.12.0", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "trailing_format_plug": {:hex, :trailing_format_plug, "0.0.7", "64b877f912cf7273bed03379936df39894149e35137ac9509117e59866e10e45", [:mix], [{:plug, "> 0.12.0", [hex: :plug, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"tzdata": {:hex, :tzdata, "0.5.17", "50793e3d85af49736701da1a040c415c97dc1caf6464112fd9bd18f425d3053b", [:mix], [{:hackney, "~> 1.0", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"}, "tzdata": {:hex, :tzdata, "0.5.17", "50793e3d85af49736701da1a040c415c97dc1caf6464112fd9bd18f425d3053b", [:mix], [{:hackney, "~> 1.0", [hex: :hackney, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm"},
"unicode_util_compat": {:hex, :unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", "a1f612a7b512638634a603c8f401892afbf99b8ce93a45041f8aaca99cadb85e", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"}, "unicode_util_compat": {:hex, :unicode_util_compat, "0.3.1", "a1f612a7b512638634a603c8f401892afbf99b8ce93a45041f8aaca99cadb85e", [:rebar3], [], "hexpm"},