Fork 0
forked from mirrors/akkoma

Merge branch 'bugfix/fix-like-notifications' into 'develop'

Notifications: Simplify recipient calculation for some Activities.

See merge request pleroma/pleroma!2486
This commit is contained in:
rinpatch 2020-05-08 15:00:43 +00:00
commit 570940a3fd
2 changed files with 46 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -368,13 +368,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Notification do
def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, local_only)
when type in ["Create", "Like", "Announce", "Follow", "Move", "EmojiReact"] do
potential_receiver_ap_ids =
|> Utils.maybe_notify_to_recipients(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_mentioned_recipients(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_subscribers(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_followers(activity)
|> Enum.uniq()
potential_receiver_ap_ids = get_potential_receiver_ap_ids(activity)
potential_receivers = User.get_users_from_set(potential_receiver_ap_ids, local_only)
@ -392,6 +386,27 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Notification do
def get_notified_from_activity(_, _local_only), do: {[], []}
# For some activities, only notify the author of the object
def get_potential_receiver_ap_ids(%{data: %{"type" => type, "object" => object_id}})
when type in ~w{Like Announce EmojiReact} do
case Object.get_cached_by_ap_id(object_id) do
%Object{data: %{"actor" => actor}} ->
_ ->
def get_potential_receiver_ap_ids(activity) do
|> Utils.maybe_notify_to_recipients(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_mentioned_recipients(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_subscribers(activity)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_followers(activity)
|> Enum.uniq()
@doc "Filters out AP IDs domain-blocking and not following the activity's actor"
def exclude_domain_blocker_ap_ids(ap_ids, activity, preloaded_users \\ [])

View file

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Tests.ObanHelpers
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Builder
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.NotificationView
@ -614,6 +616,28 @@ defmodule Pleroma.NotificationTest do
assert other_user not in enabled_receivers
test "it only notifies the post's author in likes" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
third_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity_one} =
CommonAPI.post(user, %{
"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"
{:ok, like_data, _} = Builder.like(third_user, activity_one.object)
{:ok, like, _} =
|> Map.put("to", [other_user.ap_id | like_data["to"]])
|> ActivityPub.persist(local: true)
{enabled_receivers, _disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(like)
assert other_user not in enabled_receivers
test "it does not send notification to mentioned users in announces" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)