diff --git a/lib/pleroma/clippy.ex b/lib/pleroma/clippy.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e82ed8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/clippy.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Clippy do
+  @moduledoc false
+  # No software is complete until they have a Clippy implementation.
+  # A ballmer peak _may_ be required to change this module.
+  def tip() do
+    tips()
+    |> Enum.random()
+    |> puts()
+  end
+  def tips() do
+    host = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :url, :host])
+    [
+      "“πλήρωμα” is “pleroma” in greek",
+      "For an extended Pleroma Clippy Experience, use the “Redmond” themes in Pleroma FE settings",
+      "Staff accounts and MRF policies of Pleroma instances are disclosed on the NodeInfo endpoints for easy transparency!\n
+- https://catgirl.science/misc/nodeinfo.lua?#{host}
+- https://fediverse.network/#{host}/federation",
+      "Pleroma can federate to the Dark Web!\n
+- Tor: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/wikis/Easy%20Onion%20Federation%20(Tor)
+- i2p: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/wikis/I2p%20federation",
+      "Lists of Pleroma instances are available at:\n\n- http://distsn.org/pleroma-instances.html\n- https://fediverse.network/pleroma\n- https://the-federation.info/pleroma",
+      "Pleroma uses the LitePub protocol - https://litepub.social",
+      "To receive more federated posts, subscribe to relays!\n
+- How-to: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/wikis/Admin%20tasks#relay-managment
+- Relays: https://fediverse.network/activityrelay"
+    ]
+  end
+  @spec puts(String.t() | [[IO.ANSI.ansicode() | String.t(), ...], ...]) :: nil
+  def puts(text_or_lines) do
+    import IO.ANSI
+    lines =
+      if is_binary(text_or_lines) do
+        String.split(text_or_lines, ~r/\n/)
+      else
+        text_or_lines
+      end
+    longest_line_size =
+      lines
+      |> Enum.map(&charlist_count_text/1)
+      |> Enum.sort(&>=/2)
+      |> List.first()
+    pad_text = longest_line_size
+    pad =
+      for(_ <- 1..pad_text, do: "_")
+      |> Enum.join("")
+    pad_spaces =
+      for(_ <- 1..pad_text, do: " ")
+      |> Enum.join("")
+    spaces = "      "
+    pre_lines = [
+      "  /  \\#{spaces}  _#{pad}___",
+      "  |  |#{spaces} / #{pad_spaces}   \\"
+    ]
+    for l <- pre_lines do
+      IO.puts(l)
+    end
+    clippy_lines = [
+      "  #{bright()}@  @#{reset()}#{spaces} ",
+      "  || ||#{spaces}",
+      "  || ||   <--",
+      "  |\\_/|      ",
+      "  \\___/      "
+    ]
+    noclippy_line = "             "
+    env = %{
+      max_size: pad_text,
+      pad: pad,
+      pad_spaces: pad_spaces,
+      spaces: spaces,
+      pre_lines: pre_lines,
+      noclippy_line: noclippy_line
+    }
+    clippy_line(lines, clippy_lines, env)
+  rescue
+    e ->
+      IO.puts("(Clippy crashed, sorry: #{inspect(e)})")
+      IO.puts(text_or_lines)
+  end
+  defp clippy_line([line | lines], [prefix | clippy_lines], env) do
+    IO.puts([prefix <> "| ", rpad_line(line, env.max_size)])
+    clippy_line(lines, clippy_lines, env)
+  end
+  # more text lines but clippy's complete
+  defp clippy_line([line | lines], [], env) do
+    IO.puts([env.noclippy_line, "| ", rpad_line(line, env.max_size)])
+    if lines == [] do
+      IO.puts(env.noclippy_line <> "\\_#{env.pad}___/")
+    end
+    clippy_line(lines, [], env)
+  end
+  # no more text lines but clippy's not complete
+  defp clippy_line([], [clippy | clippy_lines], env) do
+    if env.pad do
+      IO.puts(clippy <> "\\_#{env.pad}___/")
+      clippy_line([], clippy_lines, %{env | pad: nil})
+    else
+      IO.puts(clippy)
+      clippy_line([], clippy_lines, env)
+    end
+  end
+  defp clippy_line(_, _, _) do
+  end
+  defp rpad_line(line, max) do
+    pad = max - (charlist_count_text(line) - 2)
+    pads = Enum.join(for(_ <- 1..pad, do: " "))
+    [IO.ANSI.format(line), pads <> " |"]
+  end
+  defp charlist_count_text(line) do
+    if is_list(line) do
+      text = Enum.join(Enum.filter(line, &is_binary/1))
+      String.length(text)
+    else
+      String.length(line)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20181218172826_users_and_activities_flake_id.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20181218172826_users_and_activities_flake_id.exs
index 39d45f7e8..69a27e0c8 100644
--- a/priv/repo/migrations/20181218172826_users_and_activities_flake_id.exs
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20181218172826_users_and_activities_flake_id.exs
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.UsersAndActivitiesFlakeId do
   use Ecto.Migration
+  alias Pleroma.Clippy
+  require Integer
+  import Ecto.Query
+  alias Pleroma.Repo
   # This migrates from int serial IDs to custom Flake:
   #   1- create a temporary uuid column
@@ -15,6 +19,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.UsersAndActivitiesFlakeId do
     #execute "update activities set external_id = CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
     #execute "update users set external_id = CAST( LPAD( TO_HEX(id), 32, '0' ) AS uuid);"
+    clippy = start_clippy_heartbeats()
     # Lock both tables to avoid a running server to meddling with our transaction
     execute "LOCK TABLE activities;"
     execute "LOCK TABLE users;"
@@ -52,5 +58,54 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.UsersAndActivitiesFlakeId do
       execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} ADD CONSTRAINT #{table}_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;"
+    stop_clippy_heartbeats(clippy)
+  defp start_clippy_heartbeats() do
+    count = from(a in "activities", select: count(a.id)) |> Repo.one!
+    pid = if count > 5000 do
+      heartbeat_interval = :timer.minutes(2) + :timer.seconds(30)
+      all_tips = Clippy.tips() ++ [
+        "The migration is still running, maybe it's time for another tea?",
+        "Happy rabbits practice a cute behavior known as a\n“binky:” they jump up in the air\nand twist\nand spin around!",
+        "Nothing and everything.\n\nI still work.",
+        "Pleroma runs on a Raspberry Pi!\n\n  … but this migration will take forever if you\nactually run on a raspberry pi",
+        "Status? Stati? Post? Note? Toot?\nRepeat? Reboost? Boost? Retweet? Retoot??\n\nI-I'm confused.",
+      ]
+      heartbeat = fn(heartbeat, runs, all_tips, tips) ->
+        tips = if Integer.is_even(runs) do
+          tips = if tips == [], do: all_tips, else: tips
+          [tip | tips] = Enum.shuffle(tips)
+          Clippy.puts(tip)
+          tips
+        else
+          IO.puts "\n -- #{DateTime.to_string(DateTime.utc_now())} Migration still running, please wait…\n"
+          tips
+        end
+        :timer.sleep(heartbeat_interval)
+        heartbeat.(heartbeat, runs + 1, all_tips, tips)
+      end
+      Clippy.puts [
+        [:red, :bright, "It looks like you are running an older instance!"],
+        [""],
+        [:bright, "This migration may take a long time", :reset, " -- so you probably should"],
+        ["go drink a coffee, or a tea, or a beer, a whiskey, a vodka,"],
+        ["while it runs to deal with your temporary fediverse pause!"]
+      ]
+      :timer.sleep(heartbeat_interval)
+      spawn_link(fn() -> heartbeat.(heartbeat, 1, all_tips, []) end)
+    end
+  end
+  defp stop_clippy_heartbeats(pid) do
+    if pid do
+      Process.unlink(pid)
+      Process.exit(pid, :kill)
+      Clippy.puts [[:green, :bright, "Hurray!!", "", "", "Migration completed!"]]
+    end
+  end