Fork 0
forked from mirrors/akkoma

Merge branch 'develop' of https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma into develop

This commit is contained in:
sadposter 2019-09-05 12:08:45 +01:00
commit c2a1bac5de
20 changed files with 295 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -11,14 +11,17 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
### Changed
- **Breaking:** Configuration: A setting to explicitly disable the mailer was added, defaulting to true, if you are using a mailer add `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Emails.Mailer, enabled: true` to your config
- **Breaking:** Configuration: `/media/` is now removed when `base_url` is configured, append `/media/` to your `base_url` config to keep the old behaviour if desired
- **Breaking:** `/api/pleroma/notifications/read` is moved to `/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read` and now supports `max_id` and responds with Mastodon API entities.
- Configuration: OpenGraph and TwitterCard providers enabled by default
- Configuration: Filter.AnonymizeFilename added ability to retain file extension with custom text
- Mastodon API: `pleroma.thread_muted` key in the Status entity
- Federation: Return 403 errors when trying to request pages from a user's follower/following collections if they have `hide_followers`/`hide_follows` set
- NodeInfo: Return `skipThreadContainment` in `metadata` for the `skip_thread_containment` option
- NodeInfo: Return `mailerEnabled` in `metadata`
- Mastodon API: Unsubscribe followers when they unfollow a user
- AdminAPI: Add "godmode" while fetching user statuses (i.e. admin can see private statuses)
- Improve digest email template
Pagination: (optional) return `total` alongside with `items` when paginating
### Fixed
- Following from Osada
@ -29,7 +32,9 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- `federation_incoming_replies_max_depth` option being ignored in certain cases
- Federation/MediaProxy not working with instances that have wrong certificate order
- Mastodon API: Handling of search timeouts (`/api/v1/search` and `/api/v2/search`)
- Mastodon API: Misskey's endless polls being unable to render
- Mastodon API: Embedded relationships not being properly rendered in the Account entity of Status entity
- Mastodon API: Notifications endpoint crashing if one notification failed to render
- Mastodon API: follower/following counters not being nullified, when `hide_follows`/`hide_followers` is set
- Mastodon API: `muted` in the Status entity, using author's account to determine if the tread was muted
- Mastodon API: Add `account_id`, `type`, `offset`, and `limit` to search API (`/api/v1/search` and `/api/v2/search`)
@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
- Reverse Proxy limiting `max_body_length` was incorrectly defined and only checked `Content-Length` headers which may not be sufficient in some circumstances
- MRF: fix use of unserializable keyword lists in describe() implementations
- ActivityPub: Deactivated user deletion
- MRF: fix ability to follow a relay when AntiFollowbotPolicy was enabled
### Added
- Expiring/ephemeral activites. All activities can have expires_at value set, which controls when they should be deleted automatically.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM rinpatch/elixir:1.9.0-rc.0-alpine as build
FROM elixir:1.9-alpine as build
COPY . .
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ RUN apk add git gcc g++ musl-dev make &&\
mkdir release &&\
mix release --path release
FROM alpine:latest
FROM alpine:3.9
ARG HOME=/opt/pleroma
ARG DATA=/var/lib/pleroma

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ config :pleroma, :instance,
notify_email: System.get_env("NOTIFY_EMAIL"),
limit: 5000,
registrations_open: false,
dynamic_configuration: true
healthcheck: true
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Has these additional fields under the `pleroma` object:
- `content`: a map consisting of alternate representations of the `content` property with the key being it's mimetype. Currently the only alternate representation supported is `text/plain`
- `spoiler_text`: a map consisting of alternate representations of the `spoiler_text` property with the key being it's mimetype. Currently the only alternate representation supported is `text/plain`
- `expires_at`: a datetime (iso8601) that states when the post will expire (be deleted automatically), or empty if the post won't expire
- `thread_muted`: true if the thread the post belongs to is muted
## Attachments

View file

@ -126,13 +126,14 @@ Request parameters can be passed via [query strings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wi
## `/api/pleroma/admin/`
See [Admin-API](Admin-API.md)
## `/api/pleroma/notifications/read`
### Mark a single notification as read
## `/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read`
### Mark notifications as read
* Method `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Params:
* `id`: notification's id
* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the reading was successful, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}`
* Params (mutually exclusive):
* `id`: a single notification id to read
* `max_id`: read all notifications up to this id
* Response: Notification entity/Array of Notification entities that were read. In case of `max_id`, only the first 80 read notifications will be returned.
## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/subscribe`
### Subscribe to receive notifications for all statuses posted by a user

View file

@ -91,6 +91,6 @@ server {
chunked_transfer_encoding on;
proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control;
proxy_hide_header Cache-Control;
proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;

View file

@ -102,15 +102,33 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Notification do
n in Notification,
where: n.user_id == ^user_id,
where: n.id <= ^id,
where: n.seen == false,
update: [
set: [
seen: true,
updated_at: ^NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
# Ideally we would preload object and activities here
# but Ecto does not support preloads in update_all
select: n.id
Repo.update_all(query, [])
{_, notification_ids} = Repo.update_all(query, [])
|> where([n], n.id in ^notification_ids)
|> join(:inner, [n], activity in assoc(n, :activity))
|> join(:left, [n, a], object in Object,
"(?->>'id') = COALESCE((? -> 'object'::text) ->> 'id'::text)",
|> preload([n, a, o], activity: {a, object: o})
|> Repo.all()
def read_one(%User{} = user, notification_id) do

View file

@ -16,6 +16,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Pagination do
def fetch_paginated(query, params, type \\ :keyset)
def fetch_paginated(query, %{"total" => true} = params, :keyset) do
total = Repo.aggregate(query, :count, :id)
total: total,
items: fetch_paginated(query, Map.drop(params, ["total"]), :keyset)
def fetch_paginated(query, params, :keyset) do
options = cast_params(params)
@ -25,6 +34,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Pagination do
|> enforce_order(options)
def fetch_paginated(query, %{"total" => true} = params, :offset) do
total = Repo.aggregate(query, :count, :id)
total: total,
items: fetch_paginated(query, Map.drop(params, ["total"]), :offset)
def fetch_paginated(query, params, :offset) do
options = cast_params(params)

View file

@ -25,11 +25,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.AntiFollowbotPolicy do
defp score_displayname(_), do: 0.0
defp determine_if_followbot(%User{nickname: nickname, name: displayname}) do
# nickname will always be a binary string because it's generated by Pleroma.
# nickname will be a binary string except when following a relay
nick_score =
if is_binary(nickname) do
|> String.downcase()
|> score_nickname()
# displayname will either be a binary string or nil, if a displayname isn't set.
name_score =

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.NotificationView do
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
def render("index.json", %{notifications: notifications, for: user}) do
render_many(notifications, NotificationView, "show.json", %{for: user})
safe_render_many(notifications, NotificationView, "show.json", %{for: user})
def render("show.json", %{

View file

@ -299,7 +299,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
content: %{"text/plain" => content_plaintext},
spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => summary_plaintext},
expires_at: expires_at,
direct_conversation_id: direct_conversation_id
direct_conversation_id: direct_conversation_id,
thread_muted: thread_muted?
@ -384,6 +385,9 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
if options do
{end_time, expired} =
case object.data["closed"] || object.data["endTime"] do
end_time when is_binary(end_time) ->
end_time =
(object.data["closed"] || object.data["endTime"])
|> NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!()
@ -396,6 +400,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
_ -> false
end_time = Utils.to_masto_date(end_time)
{end_time, expired}
_ ->
{nil, false}
voted =
if opts[:for] do
existing_votes =
@ -420,7 +432,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView do
# Mastodon uses separate ids for polls, but an object can't have
# more than one poll embedded so object id is fine
id: to_string(object.id),
expires_at: Utils.to_masto_date(end_time),
expires_at: end_time,
expired: expired,
multiple: multiple,
votes_count: votes_count,

View file

@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIController do
import Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper, only: [add_link_headers: 7]
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.NotificationView
alias Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusView
def conversation(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => participation_id}) do
@ -70,4 +72,27 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIController do
|> render("participation.json", %{participation: participation, for: user})
def read_notification(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => notification_id}) do
with {:ok, notification} <- Notification.read_one(user, notification_id) do
|> put_view(NotificationView)
|> render("show.json", %{notification: notification, for: user})
{:error, message} ->
|> put_status(:bad_request)
|> json(%{"error" => message})
def read_notification(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"max_id" => max_id}) do
with notifications <- Notification.set_read_up_to(user, max_id) do
notifications = Enum.take(notifications, 80)
|> put_view(NotificationView)
|> render("index.json", %{notifications: notifications, for: user})

View file

@ -236,12 +236,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
post("/blocks_import", UtilController, :blocks_import)
post("/follow_import", UtilController, :follow_import)
scope [] do
post("/notifications/read", UtilController, :notifications_read)
scope "/oauth", Pleroma.Web.OAuth do
@ -277,6 +271,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
scope [] do
patch("/conversations/:id", PleromaAPIController, :update_conversation)
post("/notifications/read", PleromaAPIController, :read_notification)

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"@context":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams","https://w3id.org/security/v1",{"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"}],"id":"https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i","type":"Question","attributedTo":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6","summary":null,"content":"<p><a href=\"https://marchgenso.me/users/march\" class=\"mention\">@march@marchgenso.me</a><span> How are your notifications now?<br></span><a href=\"https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i\"><span>リモートで結果を表示</span></a></p>","_misskey_content":"@march@marchgenso.me How are your notifications now?\n[リモートで結果を表示](https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i)","published":"2019-09-05T05:35:32.541Z","to":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"],"cc":["https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/followers","https://marchgenso.me/users/march"],"inReplyTo":null,"attachment":[],"sensitive":false,"tag":[{"type":"Mention","href":"https://marchgenso.me/users/march","name":"@march@marchgenso.me"}],"_misskey_fallback_content":"<p><a href=\"https://marchgenso.me/users/march\" class=\"mention\">@march@marchgenso.me</a><span> How are your notifications now?<br></span><a href=\"https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i\"><span>リモートで結果を表示</span></a><span><br>----------------------------------------<br>0: Working<br>1: Broken af<br>----------------------------------------<br>番号を返信して投票</span></p>","endTime":null,"oneOf":[{"type":"Note","name":"Working","replies":{"type":"Collection","totalItems":0}},{"type":"Note","name":"Broken af","replies":{"type":"Collection","totalItems":1}}]}

test/fixtures/tesla_mock/sjw.json vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"@context":["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams","https://w3id.org/security/v1",{"Hashtag":"as:Hashtag"}],"type":"Person","id":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6","inbox":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/inbox","outbox":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/outbox","followers":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/followers","following":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/following","featured":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/collections/featured","sharedInbox":"https://skippers-bin.com/inbox","endpoints":{"sharedInbox":"https://skippers-bin.com/inbox"},"url":"https://skippers-bin.com/@sjw","preferredUsername":"sjw","name":"It's ya boi sjw :verified:","summary":"<p><span>Admin of skippers-bin.com and neckbeard.xyz<br>For the most part I'm just a normal user. I mostly post animu, lewds, may-mays, and shitposts.<br><br>Not an alt of </span><a href=\"https://skippers-bin.com/@sjw@neckbeard.xyz\" class=\"mention\">@sjw@neckbeard.xyz</a><span> but another main.<br><br>Email/XMPP: neckbeard@rape.lol<br>PGP: d016 b622 75ba bcbc 5b3a fced a7d9 4824 0eb3 9c4e</span></p>","icon":{"type":"Image","url":"https://skippers-bin.com/files/webpublic-21b17f5b-3a83-4f50-8d4f-eda92066aa26","sensitive":false},"image":{"type":"Image","url":"https://skippers-bin.com/files/webpublic-1cd7f961-421e-4c31-aa03-74fb82584308","sensitive":false},"tag":[{"id":"https://skippers-bin.com/emojis/verified","type":"Emoji","name":":verified:","updated":"2019-07-12T02:16:12.088Z","icon":{"type":"Image","mediaType":"image/png","url":"https://skippers-bin.com/files/webpublic-dd10b435-6dad-4602-938b-f69ec0a19f2c"}}],"manuallyApprovesFollowers":false,"publicKey":{"id":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6/publickey","type":"Key","owner":"https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6","publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----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\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"},"isCat":true}

test/pagination_test.exs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
# Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
defmodule Pleroma.PaginationTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
import Pleroma.Factory
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Pagination
describe "keyset" do
setup do
notes = insert_list(5, :note)
%{notes: notes}
test "paginates by min_id", %{notes: notes} do
id = Enum.at(notes, 2).id |> Integer.to_string()
%{total: total, items: paginated} =
Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"min_id" => id, "total" => true})
assert length(paginated) == 2
assert total == 5
test "paginates by since_id", %{notes: notes} do
id = Enum.at(notes, 2).id |> Integer.to_string()
%{total: total, items: paginated} =
Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"since_id" => id, "total" => true})
assert length(paginated) == 2
assert total == 5
test "paginates by max_id", %{notes: notes} do
id = Enum.at(notes, 1).id |> Integer.to_string()
%{total: total, items: paginated} =
Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"max_id" => id, "total" => true})
assert length(paginated) == 1
assert total == 5
test "paginates by min_id & limit", %{notes: notes} do
id = Enum.at(notes, 2).id |> Integer.to_string()
paginated = Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"min_id" => id, "limit" => 1})
assert length(paginated) == 1
describe "offset" do
setup do
notes = insert_list(5, :note)
%{notes: notes}
test "paginates by limit" do
paginated = Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"limit" => 2}, :offset)
assert length(paginated) == 2
test "paginates by limit & offset" do
paginated = Pagination.fetch_paginated(Object, %{"limit" => 2, "offset" => 4}, :offset)
assert length(paginated) == 1

View file

@ -992,6 +992,18 @@ defmodule HttpRequestMock do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/rel_me_null.html")}}
def get("https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i", _, _, _) do
status: 200,
body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/misskey_poll_no_end_date.json")
def get("https://skippers-bin.com/users/7v1w1r8ce6", _, _, _) do
{:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/tesla_mock/sjw.json")}}
def get(url, query, body, headers) do
"Mock response not implemented for GET #{inspect(url)}, #{query}, #{inspect(body)}, #{

View file

@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
content: %{"text/plain" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(object_data["content"])},
spoiler_text: %{"text/plain" => HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(object_data["summary"])},
expires_at: nil,
direct_conversation_id: nil
direct_conversation_id: nil,
thread_muted: false
@ -173,6 +174,24 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
assert status.muted == true
test "tells if the message is thread muted" do
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
{:ok, user} = User.mute(user, other_user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{"status" => "test"})
status = StatusView.render("status.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
assert status.pleroma.thread_muted == false
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity)
status = StatusView.render("status.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
assert status.pleroma.thread_muted == true
test "tells if the status is bookmarked" do
user = insert(:user)
@ -532,6 +551,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusViewTest do
assert Enum.at(result[:options], 1)[:votes_count] == 1
assert Enum.at(result[:options], 2)[:votes_count] == 1
test "does not crash on polls with no end date" do
object = Object.normalize("https://skippers-bin.com/notes/7x9tmrp97i")
result = StatusView.render("poll.json", %{object: object})
assert result[:expires_at] == nil
assert result[:expired] == false
test "embeds a relationship in the account" do

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIControllerTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
@ -91,4 +92,59 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.PleromaAPIControllerTest do
assert user in participation.recipients
assert other_user in participation.recipients
describe "POST /api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read" do
test "it marks a single notification as read", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
user2 = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity1} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity2} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification1]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity1)
{:ok, [notification2]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity2)
response =
|> assign(:user, user1)
|> post("/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"id" => "#{notification1.id}"})
|> json_response(:ok)
assert %{"pleroma" => %{"is_seen" => true}} = response
assert Repo.get(Notification, notification1.id).seen
refute Repo.get(Notification, notification2.id).seen
test "it marks multiple notifications as read", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
user2 = insert(:user)
{:ok, _activity1} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity2} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, _activity3} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "HIE @#{user1.nickname}"})
[notification3, notification2, notification1] = Notification.for_user(user1, %{limit: 3})
[response1, response2] =
|> assign(:user, user1)
|> post("/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"max_id" => "#{notification2.id}"})
|> json_response(:ok)
assert %{"pleroma" => %{"is_seen" => true}} = response1
assert %{"pleroma" => %{"is_seen" => true}} = response2
assert Repo.get(Notification, notification1.id).seen
assert Repo.get(Notification, notification2.id).seen
refute Repo.get(Notification, notification3.id).seen
test "it returns error when notification not found", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
response =
|> assign(:user, user1)
|> post("/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"id" => "22222222222222"})
|> json_response(:bad_request)
assert response == %{"error" => "Cannot get notification"}

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
@ -141,37 +140,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilControllerTest do
describe "POST /api/pleroma/notifications/read" do
test "it marks a single notification as read", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
user2 = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity1} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, activity2} = CommonAPI.post(user2, %{"status" => "hi @#{user1.nickname}"})
{:ok, [notification1]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity1)
{:ok, [notification2]} = Notification.create_notifications(activity2)
|> assign(:user, user1)
|> post("/api/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"id" => "#{notification1.id}"})
|> json_response(:ok)
assert Repo.get(Notification, notification1.id).seen
refute Repo.get(Notification, notification2.id).seen
test "it returns error when notification not found", %{conn: conn} do
user1 = insert(:user)
response =
|> assign(:user, user1)
|> post("/api/pleroma/notifications/read", %{"id" => "22222222222222"})
|> json_response(403)
assert response == %{"error" => "Cannot get notification"}
describe "PUT /api/pleroma/notification_settings" do
test "it updates notification settings", %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user)