# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Repo do use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :pleroma, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, migration_timestamps: [type: :naive_datetime_usec] import Ecto.Query require Logger defmodule Instrumenter do use Prometheus.EctoInstrumenter end @doc """ Dynamically loads the repository url from the DATABASE_URL environment variable. """ def init(_, opts) do {:ok, Keyword.put(opts, :url, System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"))} end @doc "find resource based on prepared query" @spec find_resource(Ecto.Query.t()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, :not_found} def find_resource(%Ecto.Query{} = query) do case __MODULE__.one(query) do nil -> {:error, :not_found} resource -> {:ok, resource} end end def find_resource(_query), do: {:error, :not_found} @doc """ Gets association from cache or loads if need ## Examples iex> Repo.get_assoc(token, :user) %User{} """ @spec get_assoc(struct(), atom()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, :not_found} def get_assoc(resource, association) do case __MODULE__.preload(resource, association) do %{^association => assoc} when not is_nil(assoc) -> {:ok, assoc} _ -> {:error, :not_found} end end def check_migrations_applied!() do unless Pleroma.Config.get( [:i_am_aware_this_may_cause_data_loss, :disable_migration_check], false ) do Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(__MODULE__, fn repo -> down_migrations = Ecto.Migrator.migrations(repo) |> Enum.reject(fn {:up, _, _} -> true {:down, _, _} -> false end) if length(down_migrations) > 0 do down_migrations_text = Enum.map(down_migrations, fn {:down, id, name} -> "- #{name} (#{id})\n" end) Logger.error( "The following migrations were not applied:\n#{down_migrations_text}If you want to start Pleroma anyway, set\nconfig :pleroma, :i_am_aware_this_may_cause_data_loss, disable_migration_check: true" ) raise Pleroma.Repo.UnappliedMigrationsError end end) else :ok end end def chunk_stream(query, chunk_size) do # We don't actually need start and end funcitons of resource streaming, # but it seems to be the only way to not fetch records one-by-one and # have individual records be the elements of the stream, instead of # lists of records Stream.resource( fn -> 0 end, fn last_id -> query |> order_by(asc: :id) |> where([r], r.id > ^last_id) |> limit(^chunk_size) |> all() |> case do [] -> {:halt, last_id} records -> last_id = List.last(records).id {records, last_id} end end, fn _ -> :ok end ) end end defmodule Pleroma.Repo.UnappliedMigrationsError do defexception message: "Unapplied Migrations detected" end