# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.Plugs.PlugHelperTest do @moduledoc "Tests for the functionality added via `use Pleroma.Web, :plug`" alias Pleroma.Plugs.ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug alias Pleroma.Plugs.ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug alias Pleroma.Plugs.PlugHelper import Mock use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase describe "when plug is skipped, " do setup_with_mocks( [ {ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug, [:passthrough], []} ], %{conn: conn} ) do conn = ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug.skip_plug(conn) %{conn: conn} end test "it neither adds plug to called plugs list nor calls `perform/2`, " <> "regardless of :if_func / :unless_func options", %{conn: conn} do for opts <- [%{}, %{if_func: fn _ -> true end}, %{unless_func: fn _ -> false end}] do ret_conn = ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, opts) refute called(ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(:_, :_)) refute PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectPublicOrAuthenticatedCheckPlug) end end end describe "when plug is NOT skipped, " do setup_with_mocks([{ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug, [:passthrough], []}]) do :ok end test "with no pre-run checks, adds plug to called plugs list and calls `perform/2`", %{ conn: conn } do ret_conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{}) assert called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(ret_conn, :_)) assert PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) end test "when :if_func option is given, calls the plug only if provided function evals tru-ish", %{conn: conn} do ret_conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{if_func: fn _ -> false end}) refute called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(:_, :_)) refute PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) ret_conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{if_func: fn _ -> true end}) assert called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(ret_conn, :_)) assert PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) end test "if :unless_func option is given, calls the plug only if provided function evals falsy", %{conn: conn} do ret_conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{unless_func: fn _ -> true end}) refute called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(:_, :_)) refute PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) ret_conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{unless_func: fn _ -> false end}) assert called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(ret_conn, :_)) assert PlugHelper.plug_called?(ret_conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) end test "allows a plug to be called multiple times (even if it's in called plugs list)", %{ conn: conn } do conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{an_option: :value1}) assert called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(conn, %{an_option: :value1})) assert PlugHelper.plug_called?(conn, ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug) conn = ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.call(conn, %{an_option: :value2}) assert called(ExpectAuthenticatedCheckPlug.perform(conn, %{an_option: :value2})) end end end