# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.Gettext do @moduledoc """ A module providing Internationalization with a gettext-based API. By using [Gettext](https://hexdocs.pm/gettext), your module gains a set of macros for translations, for example: import Pleroma.Web.Gettext # Simple translation gettext "Here is the string to translate" # Plural translation ngettext "Here is the string to translate", "Here are the strings to translate", 3 # Domain-based translation dgettext "errors", "Here is the error message to translate" See the [Gettext Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/gettext) for detailed usage. """ use Gettext, otp_app: :pleroma def language_tag do # Naive implementation: HTML lang attribute uses BCP 47, which # uses - as a separator. # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/lang Gettext.get_locale() |> String.replace("_", "-", global: true) end def normalize_locale(locale) do if is_binary(locale) do String.replace(locale, "-", "_", global: true) else nil end end def supports_locale?(locale) do Pleroma.Web.Gettext |> Gettext.known_locales() |> Enum.member?(locale) end def variant?(locale), do: String.contains?(locale, "_") def language_for_variant(locale) do Enum.at(String.split(locale, "_"), 0) end def ensure_fallbacks(locales) do locales |> Enum.flat_map(fn locale -> others = other_supported_variants_of_locale(locale) |> Enum.filter(fn l -> not Enum.member?(locales, l) end) [locale] ++ others end) end def other_supported_variants_of_locale(locale) do cond do supports_locale?(locale) -> [] variant?(locale) -> lang = language_for_variant(locale) if supports_locale?(lang), do: [lang], else: [] true -> Gettext.known_locales(Pleroma.Web.Gettext) |> Enum.filter(fn l -> String.starts_with?(l, locale <> "_") end) end end def get_locales do Process.get({Pleroma.Web.Gettext, :locales}, []) end def is_locale_list(locales) do Enum.all?(locales, &is_binary/1) end def put_locales(locales) do if is_locale_list(locales) do Process.put({Pleroma.Web.Gettext, :locales}, Enum.uniq(locales)) Gettext.put_locale(Enum.at(locales, 0, Gettext.get_locale())) :ok else {:error, :not_locale_list} end end def locale_or_default(locale) do if supports_locale?(locale) do locale else Gettext.get_locale() end end def with_locales_func(locales, fun) do prev_locales = Process.get({Pleroma.Web.Gettext, :locales}) put_locales(locales) try do fun.() after if prev_locales do put_locales(prev_locales) else Process.delete({Pleroma.Web.Gettext, :locales}) Process.delete(Gettext) end end end defmacro with_locales(locales, do: fun) do quote do Pleroma.Web.Gettext.with_locales_func(unquote(locales), fn -> unquote(fun) end) end end def to_locale_list(locale) when is_binary(locale) do locale |> String.split(",") |> Enum.filter(&supports_locale?/1) end def to_locale_list(_), do: [] defmacro with_locale_or_default(locale, do: fun) do quote do Pleroma.Web.Gettext.with_locales_func( Pleroma.Web.Gettext.to_locale_list(unquote(locale)) |> Enum.concat(Pleroma.Web.Gettext.get_locales()), fn -> unquote(fun) end ) end end defp next_locale(locale, list) do index = Enum.find_index(list, fn item -> item == locale end) if not is_nil(index) do Enum.at(list, index + 1) else nil end end # We do not yet have a proper English translation. The "English" # version is currently but the fallback msgid. However, this # will not work if the user puts English as the first language, # and at the same time specifies other languages, as gettext will # think the English translation is missing, and call # handle_missing_translation functions. This may result in # text in other languages being shown even if English is preferred # by the user. # # To prevent this, we do not allow fallbacking when the current # locale missing a translation is English. defp should_fallback?(locale) do locale != "en" end def handle_missing_translation(locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings) do next = next_locale(locale, get_locales()) if is_nil(next) or not should_fallback?(locale) do super(locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings) else {:ok, Gettext.with_locale(next, fn -> Gettext.dpgettext(Pleroma.Web.Gettext, domain, msgctxt, msgid, bindings) end)} end end def handle_missing_plural_translation( locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings ) do next = next_locale(locale, get_locales()) if is_nil(next) or not should_fallback?(locale) do super(locale, domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings) else {:ok, Gettext.with_locale(next, fn -> Gettext.dpngettext( Pleroma.Web.Gettext, domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, n, bindings ) end)} end end end