# Migrating to Akkoma

**Akkoma does not currently have a stable release, until 3.0, all builds should be considered "develop"**

## Why should you migrate?

aside from actually responsive maintainer(s)? let's lookie here, we've got:

- custom emoji reactions
- misskey markdown (MFM) rendering and posting support
- elasticsearch support (because pleroma search is GARBAGE)
- latest develop pleroma-fe additions
- local-only posting
- probably more, this is like 3.5 years of IHBA additions finally compiled

## Actually migrating

Let's say you're very cool and have decided to move to the cooler
fork of Akkoma - luckily this isn't very hard.

You'll need to update the backend, then possibly the frontend, depending
on your setup.

## From Source

If you're running the source Akkoma install, you'll need to set the
upstream git URL then just rebuild - that'll be:

git remote set-url origin https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma.git/
git fetch origin
git pull -r

Then compile, migrate and restart as usual.

## From OTP

This will just be setting the update URL -

export FLAVOUR=$(arch="$(uname -m)";if [ "$arch" = "x86_64" ];then arch="amd64";elif [ "$arch" = "armv7l" ];then arch="arm";elif [ "$arch" = "aarch64" ];then arch="arm64";else echo "Unsupported arch: $arch">&2;fi;if getconf GNU_LIBC_VERSION>/dev/null;then libc_postfix="";elif [ "$(ldd 2>&1|head -c 9)" = "musl libc" ];then libc_postfix="-musl";elif [ "$(find /lib/libc.musl*|wc -l)" ];then libc_postfix="-musl";else echo "Unsupported libc">&2;fi;echo "$arch$libc_postfix")

./bin/pleroma_ctl update --zip-url https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/develop/akkoma-$FLAVOUR.zip
./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate

Then restart. When updating in the future, you canjust use

./bin/pleroma_ctl update --branch develop

## Frontend changes

Akkoma comes with a few frontend changes as well as backend ones,
your upgrade path here depends on your setup

### I just run with the built-in frontend

You'll need to run a single command,

# From source
mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe
./bin/pleroma_ctl frontend install pleroma-fe

### I've run the mix task to install a frontend

Hooray, just run it again to update the frontend to the latest build.
See above for that command.

### I compile the JS from source

Your situation will likely be unique - you'll need the changes in the
[forked pleroma-fe repository](https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/pleroma-fe),
and either merge or cherry-pick from there depending on how you've got