# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Database do alias Pleroma.Conversation alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User require Logger import Mix.Pleroma use Mix.Task @shortdoc "A collection of database related tasks" @moduledoc """ A collection of database related tasks ## Replace embedded objects with their references Replaces embedded objects with references to them in the `objects` table. Only needs to be ran once. The reason why this is not a migration is because it could significantly increase the database size after being ran, however after this `VACUUM FULL` will be able to reclaim about 20% (really depends on what is in the database, your mileage may vary) of the db size before the migration. mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects Options: - `--vacuum` - run `VACUUM FULL` after the embedded objects are replaced with their references ## Prune old objects from the database mix pleroma.database prune_objects ## Create a conversation for all existing DMs. Can be safely re-run. mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations ## Remove duplicated items from following and update followers count for all users mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts """ def run(["remove_embedded_objects" | args]) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ vacuum: :boolean ] ) start_pleroma() Logger.info("Removing embedded objects") Repo.query!( "update activities set data = jsonb_set(data, '{object}'::text[], data->'object'->'id') where data->'object'->>'id' is not null;", [], timeout: :infinity ) if Keyword.get(options, :vacuum) do Logger.info("Runnning VACUUM FULL") Repo.query!( "vacuum full;", [], timeout: :infinity ) end end def run(["bump_all_conversations"]) do start_pleroma() Conversation.bump_for_all_activities() end def run(["update_users_following_followers_counts"]) do start_pleroma() users = Repo.all(User) Enum.each(users, &User.remove_duplicated_following/1) Enum.each(users, &User.update_follower_count/1) end def run(["prune_objects" | args]) do import Ecto.Query {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ vacuum: :boolean ] ) start_pleroma() deadline = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :remote_post_retention_days]) Logger.info("Pruning objects older than #{deadline} days") time_deadline = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.add(-(deadline * 86_400)) public = "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" from(o in Object, where: fragment("?->'to' \\? ? OR ?->'cc' \\? ?", o.data, ^public, o.data, ^public), where: o.inserted_at < ^time_deadline, where: fragment("split_part(?->>'actor', '/', 3) != ?", o.data, ^Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.host()) ) |> Repo.delete_all(timeout: :infinity) if Keyword.get(options, :vacuum) do Logger.info("Runnning VACUUM FULL") Repo.query!( "vacuum full;", [], timeout: :infinity ) end end end