Log in with the {authType} - pronouns.cc

Log in with the {authType}

{#if error} {/if} {#if ticket && $userStore}
{:else if ticket}
signupForm(username, inviteCode)}>
{#if requireInvite}
You currently need an invite code to sign up. You can get one from an existing user.
By signing up, you agree to the terms of service and the privacy policy.
{:else if isDeleted && token && selfDelete && deletedAt}

Your account is pending deletion since {DateTime.fromISO(deletedAt) .toLocal() .toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_MED)}.

If you wish to cancel deletion, press the button below.

Alternatively, if you want your data wiped immediately, press the force delete link below. This is irreversible.

{#if deleteCancelled} Account deletion cancelled! You can now log in again. {/if} {#if deleteError} {/if} {:else if isDeleted && token && !selfDelete && deletedAt}

Your account is pending deletion since {DateTime.fromISO(deletedAt) .toLocal() .toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_MED)}.

Your account was deactivated by a moderator. You cannot cancel deletion. The moderator gave the following reason:


Your account will be fully deleted 180 days after being deactivated. If you want your data wiped immediately instead, press the force delete link below.

{:else} Loading... {/if}

If you want to delete your account, type your username ({user?.name}) below:
This is irreversible! Your account cannot be recovered after you press "Force delete account".

{#if deleteError} {/if}