2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
'use strict';
function Player (game,io,mainDeck,lrigDeck) {
// 引用
this.game = game;
// this.client = open('../WEBXOSS_Client/test.html');
// this.client = new Client(this.input.bind(this));
this.io = io;
io.listener = function () {
if (!this.input.apply(this,arguments)) {
console.warn('Invalid input!');
var effectSource = this.game.getEffectSource();
if (effectSource) {
console.warn('EffectSource cid: %s',effectSource.cid);
// console.warn('IP Address: %s',this.io.socket.request.connection.remoteAddress);
// 注册
// 储存的数据
this.listener = {}; // 监听器(监听玩家输入).
this.msgQueue = []; // 要向客户端发送的消息队列.
// 消息不是直接发送给客户端,而是先入队,
// 然后在调用堆栈的最后将整个队列发送.
this.messagePacks = []; // 用于保存录像.
this.rebuildCount = 0;
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
this.coin = 0;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// 快捷方式
this.hands = []; // 手牌
this.signis = [];
this.lrig = null;
this.opponent = null; // 对手(Player对象)
this.crossed = [];
// 区域
this.mainDeck = new Zone(game,this,'MainDeck','up',mainDeck);
this.lrigDeck = new Zone(game,this,'LrigDeck','checkable up',lrigDeck);
this.handZone = new Zone(game,this,'HandZone','checkable up inhand');
this.lrigZone = new Zone(game,this,'LrigZone','checkable up faceup');
this.signiZones = [new Zone(game,this,'SigniZone','up faceup bottom'),
new Zone(game,this,'SigniZone','up faceup bottom'),
new Zone(game,this,'SigniZone','up faceup bottom')];
this.enerZone = new Zone(game,this,'EnerZone','checkable faceup');
this.checkZone = new Zone(game,this,'CheckZone','checkable up faceup');
this.trashZone = new Zone(game,this,'TrashZone','checkable up faceup');
this.lrigTrashZone = new Zone(game,this,'LrigTrashZone','checkable up faceup');
this.lifeClothZone = new Zone(game,this,'LifeClothZone','');
this.excludedZone = new Zone(game,this,'ExcludedZone','checkable up faceup');
// 时点
// this.onLrigChange = new Timming(game);
// this.onSignisChange = new Timming(game);
this.onUseSpell = new Timming(game);
this.onUseArts = new Timming(game);
this.onCrash = new Timming(game);
this.onSigniBanished = new Timming(game);
this.onTurnStart = new Timming(game);
this.onTurnEnd = new Timming(game);
this.onSummonSigni = new Timming(game);
this.onCardMove = new Timming(game);
this.onBurstTriggered = new Timming(game);
this.onAttack = new Timming(game);
this.onAttackPrevented = new Timming(game);
this.onRebuild = new Timming(game);
this.onAttackPhaseStart = new Timming(game);
this.onGrowPhaseStart = new Timming(game);
this.onMainPhaseStart = new Timming(game);
this.onTurnEnd2 = new Timming(game); // 注: 详见 Phase.js 的 endPhase 函数.
this.onHeaven = new Timming(game);
this.onSigniFreezed = new Timming(game);
this.onSigniLeaveField = new Timming(game);
this.onDiscard = new Timming(game);
this.onDoubleCrashed = new Timming(game);
this.onDraw = new Timming(game);
// 附加属性
this.skipGrowPhase = false;
this.guardLimit = 0;
this.banishTrash = false;
this.ignoreGrowCost = false;
this.lrigAttackBanned = false; // 与 lrig.canNotAttack 不同,不会被无效.
this.wontBeCrashed = false;
this.wontBeCrashedExceptDamage = false;
this._trashLifeClothCount = 0;
this.forceSigniAttack = false;
this.drawCount = 2;
this._ionaUltimaMaiden = false; // <究极/少女 伊绪奈>
this.twoSignisLimit = false; // <白罗星 土星> <开辟者 塔维尔=TRE>
this.spellCancelable = true;
this.artsBanned = false;
this.trashSigniBanned = false;
this._ViolenceSplashCount = 0; // <暴力飞溅>
this._DreiDioDaughter = 0; // <DREI=恶英娘>
this.powerChangeBanned = false;
this.skipSigniAttackStep = false;
this.skipLrigAttackStep = false;
this.addCardToHandBanned = false;
this.spellBanned = false;
this.skipEnerPhase = false;
this.ignoreLimitingOfArtsAndSpell = false;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.ignoreLimitingOfLevel5Signi = false; // <紡ぐ者>
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.summonPowerLimit = 0;
this.additionalRevealCount = 0; // <反复的独立性 网格>
this.useBikouAsWhiteCost = false; // <不思議な童話 メルへ>
this.burstTwice = false; // <Burst Rush>
this.wontBeDamaged = false; // <音阶的右律 G>
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.wontBeDamagedByOpponentLrig = false; // <紡ぐ者>
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.charmedActionEffectBanned = false; // <黒幻蟲 アラクネ・パイダ>
this.canNotGrow = false; // <ドント・グロウ>
this._HammerChance = false; // <ハンマー・チャンス>
this._VierVX = false; // <VIER=维克斯>
this._RanergeOriginalSpear = []; // <原槍 ラナジェ>
this.reducedGrowCostWhite = 0;
this.reducedGrowCostBlack = 0;
this.reducedGrowCostRed = 0;
this.reducedGrowCostBlue = 0;
this.reducedGrowCostGreen = 0;
this.reducedGrowCostColorless = 0;
this.attackCount = 0; // <暴风警报>
this._stormWarning = false; // <暴风警报>
this.guardBannedLevels = []; // <缚魔炎 花代·叁>
this.discardOnAttackPhase = false; // <雪月風火 花代・肆>
this.signiStartUpBanned = false; // <呪われし数字 666>
this.lrigStartUpBanned = false; // <花咲乱 游月·叁>
this.signiAttackCountLimit = Infinity;
this.signiTotalAttackCountLimit = Infinity;
this.lrigAttackCountLimit = Infinity;
this.canNotGuard = false;
this.wontLoseGame = false; // <紅蓮乙女 遊月・肆>
this.canNotBeBanished = false;
this.canNotBeBounced = false;
2017-02-09 15:30:09 +01:00
this.signiCanNotGainAbility = false;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.canNotBeDownedByOpponentEffect = false;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.canNotUseColorlessSigni = false; // <绿罗植 世界树>
this.canNotUseColorlessSpell = false; // <绿罗植 世界树>
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.usedActionEffects = [];
this.chain = null;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.inResonaAction = null; // 是否正在执行共鸣单位的出现条件. (同时也是正在执行出现条件的那只共鸣单位)
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.inActionEffectCost = false; // 是否正在支付起动能力的COST
this.bannedCards = []; // <漆黑之棺>
this.oneArtEachTurn = false; // <博愛の使者 サシェ・リュンヌ>
// Player.prototype.rockPaperScissorsAsyn = function () {
// var player = this;
// player.output({
// content: {}
// });
// return new Callback(function (callback) {
// player.listen('ROCK_PAPER_SCISSORS',function (input) {
// input = +input;
// if (!(input>=0 && input<=2)) return false;
// return function () {
// callback(input);
// };
// });
// });
// };
// 玩家设置lrig
// (从LRIG卡组里选择等级0的卡片,背面表示放置到LRIG区)
Player.prototype.setupLrigAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return (card.type === 'LRIG') && (card.level === 0);
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
if (cards.length === 1) return cards[0];
return this.selectAsyn('LEVEL0_LRIG',cards);;
}).callback(this,function (card) {
card.moveTo(this.lrigZone,{faceup: false});
// 玩家抽起始手牌(5张)
Player.prototype.setupHands = function () {
// 玩家重抽手牌
// (将不需要的卡片返回主卡组并洗牌,再从主卡组顶端抽和返回的卡片数量相同的卡片.)
Player.prototype.redrawAsyn = function () {
return this.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD_AND_REDRAW',this.hands).callback(this,function (cards) {
// 玩家洗切牌组
Player.prototype.shuffle = function (cards) {
if (!cards) {
cards = this.mainDeck.cards;
var len = cards.length;
if (!len) return;
var oldSids = cards.map(function (card) {
return {
a: this.game.getSid(this,card),
b: this.game.getSid(this.opponent,card)
for (var i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
var r = this.game.rand(i,len-1);
var tmp = cards[i];
cards[i] = cards[r];
cards[r] = tmp;
cards.forEach(function (card,idx) {
type: 'SHUFFLE',
content: {
cards: cards
// 玩家设置生命护甲
// (从主卡组顶将7张卡依次重叠放置到生命护甲区)
Player.prototype.setupLifeCloth = function () {
var cards = this.mainDeck.getTopCards(7);
// OPEN!!
Player.prototype.open = function () {
// 玩家把lrig和所有signi竖置 (竖置阶段)
Player.prototype.up = function () {
var cards = concat(this.lrig,this.signis);
if (!cards.length) return;
this.game.packOutputs(function () {
this.game.frame(this,function () {
cards.forEach(function (card) {
if (card.frozen) {
card.frozen = false;
} else {
// 玩家从卡组抽取n张卡
// 返回:
// cards: Array,抽到的卡,长度可能少于n(卡组没有足够的卡可以抽),也可能为空数组.
Player.prototype.draw = function (n) {
2017-02-08 08:56:08 +01:00
if (this.addCardToHandBanned) return [];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
var cards = this.mainDeck.getTopCards(n);
if (!cards.length) return [];
if (this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()) {
var count = this.game.getData(this,'attackPhaseDrawCount') || 0;
count += cards.length;
return cards;
// 被动充能
// 从卡组最上面拿n张卡放到能量区.
// 跟主动充能 player.chargeAsyn() 不一样.
Player.prototype.enerCharge = function (n) {
var cards = this.mainDeck.getTopCards(n);
return cards;
// 舍弃n张卡
Player.prototype.discardAsyn = function (n) {
if (!this.hands.length || !n) return Callback.immediately([]);
if (this.hands.length < n) {
n = this.hands.length;
return this.selectSomeAsyn('DISCARD',this.hands,n,n).callback(this,function (cards) {
return this.discardCards(cards);
// 随机舍弃n张卡
Player.prototype.discardRandomly = function (n) {
if (!isNum(n)) n = 1;
var cards = [];
var hands = this.hands.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!hands.length) break;
var idx = this.game.rand(0,hands.length - 1);
return this.discardCards(cards);
// 舍弃指定的卡
Player.prototype.discardCards = function (cards) {
return this.game.trashCards(cards);
// 玩家进行充能操作 (主动充能)
// 玩家从手牌或自己场上的SIGNI选一张卡放到能力区.
Player.prototype.chargeAsyn = function () {
var cards = concat(this.hands,this.signis);
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('CHARGE',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
// 玩家结束充能阶段
Player.prototype.endEnerPhaseAsyn = function () {
return this.selectAsyn('END_ENER_PHASE');
// 玩家进行成长操作 (主动成长)
Player.prototype.growAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.canGrow(this.ignoreGrowCost);
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('GROW',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
// return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
// if (!card.growActionAsyn) return;
// return card.growActionAsyn();
// }).callback(this,function () {
// if (this.ignoreGrowCost) return;
// return this.payCostAsyn(card);
// }).callback(this,function () {
// var colorChanged = (card.color !== this.lrig.color);
// card.moveTo(this.lrigZone,{
// up: this.lrig.isUp
// });
// if (colorChanged) this.game.outputColor();
// });
return card.growAsyn();
Player.prototype.resetSignisAsyn = function () {
var signis = [];
var totalLevel = this.signis.reduce(function (total,signi) {
return total + signi.level;
// 超出 SIGNI 数量限制
if (this.signis.length > this.getSigniAmountLimit()) {
signis = this.signis;
} else if (totalLevel > this.lrig.limit) {
// 超出界限
signis = this.signis;
} else {
// 限制及等级
signis = this.signis.filter(function (signi) {
return (!signi.checkLimiting()) || (signi.level > this.lrig.level);
if (!signis.length) return Callback.immediately();
return this.selectAsyn('TRASH_SIGNI',signis).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
Player.prototype.getSigniAmountLimit = function () {
if (this._ionaUltimaMaiden) return 1;
if (this.twoSignisLimit) return 2;
return 3;
// 玩家结束成长阶段
Player.prototype.endGrowPhaseAsyn = function () {
return this.selectAsyn('END_GROW_PHASE');
// 玩家召唤SIGNI
Player.prototype.summonSigniAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.hands.filter(function (card) {
return card.canSummon() && (!this.summonPowerLimit || (card.power < this.summonPowerLimit));
var zones = this.signiZones.filter(function (zone) {
2016-11-02 16:44:35 +01:00
return (zone.getActualCards().length === 0);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!cards.length || !zones.length) {
return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
return this.selectSummonZoneAsyn(true,card.rise).callback(this,function (zone) {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!zone) return;
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
this.game.handleFrameEnd(); // 增加一个空帧,以进行两次常计算
// 玩家召唤共鸣SIGNI
Player.prototype.summonResonaSigniAsyn = function (arg) {
2016-10-25 12:14:51 +02:00
if (!arg) arg = {};
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
var cards = this.getResonas(arg);
if (!cards.length) {
return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('RESONA',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.summonResonaAsyn(card);
Player.prototype.getResonas = function (arg) {
return this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
if (!card.resona) return false;
var phase = '';
if (arg.spellCutIn) {
phase = 'spellCutIn';
} else if (this.game.phase.status === 'mainPhase') {
phase = 'mainPhase';
} else if (this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()) {
phase = 'attackPhase';
if (!inArr(phase,card.resonaPhases)) return false;
var resonaAsyn = card.resonaCondition();
if (!resonaAsyn) return false;
card.resonaAsyn = resonaAsyn;
return true;
Player.prototype.summonResonaAsyn = function (card) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.inResonaAction = card;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return card.resonaAsyn().callback(this,function (resonaArg) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
this.inResonaAction = null;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return this.selectSummonZoneAsyn(false).callback(this,function (zone) {
if (!zone) return;
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
card.moveTo(zone,{resonaArg: resonaArg});
this.game.handleFrameEnd(); // 增加一个空帧,以进行两次常计算
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
Player.prototype.selectSummonZoneAsyn = function (optional,rise) {
var zones = this.getSummonZones(null,rise);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!zones.length) {
return Callback.immediately(null);
if (optional) return this.selectOptionalAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI_ZONE',zones);
return this.selectAsyn('SUMMON_SIGNI_ZONE',zones);
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
Player.prototype.getSummonZones = function (signis,rise) {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!signis) signis = this.signis;
var forcedZones = [];
var zones = this.signiZones.filter(function (zone,idx) {
if (zone.disabled) return false;
2016-11-02 16:44:35 +01:00
var signi = zone.getActualCards()[0];
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
if (rise) {
if (!signi || !rise(signi)) return false;
} else {
if (signi && inArr(signi,signis)) return false;
2016-11-02 16:44:35 +01:00
var opposingSigni = this.opponent.signiZones[2-idx].getActualCards()[0];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (opposingSigni && opposingSigni.forceSummonZone) {
return true;
if (forcedZones.length) {
zones = forcedZones;
return zones.slice();
// 玩家废弃SIGNI
Player.prototype.trashSigniAsyn = function () {
if (this.trashSigniBanned) return Callback.never();
var signis = this.signis.filter(function (signi) {
return !signi.resona && !signi.canNotBeTrashedBySelf;
if (!signis.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('TRASH_SIGNI',signis).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
// 玩家使用魔法
Player.prototype.useSpellAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.hands.filter(function (card) {
return card.canUse();
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('USE_SPELL',cards).callback(this,this.handleSpellAsyn);
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
Player.prototype.handleSpellAsyn = function (card,ignoreCost,costObj,arg) {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!costObj) costObj = card;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (!arg) arg = {};
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
var effect,target,costArg;
var count = this.game.getData(this,'CodeHeartAMS') || 0;
this.game.setData(this,'CodeHeartAMS',count + 1);
this.game.spellToCutIn = card;
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
// ------ 块开始 ------
// 1. 放到检查区.
// 被 米璐璐恩 抢夺,转移控制权
// 要在 moveTo 之后改变 player .
card.player = this;
// 2. 支付费用.
// 无视支付费用
if (ignoreCost) return { // 返回 costArg 对象
enerCards: [],
enerColors: []
return this.payCostAsyn(costObj);
}).callback(this,function (_costArg) {
costArg = _costArg;
// 如果魔法卡的效果不止一个,选择其中一个发动
if (card.spellEffects.length === 1) {
effect = card.spellEffects[0];
} else {
return this.selectAsyn('SPELL_EFFECT',card.spellEffects).callback(this,function (eff) {
effect = eff;
return this.opponent.showEffectsAsyn([eff]);
}).callback(this,function () {
// 3. 娶(划掉)取对象.
if (effect.getTargets) {
// 简单的取对象,即从目标卡片中选一张. (也可以不选,空发)
2016-10-26 15:13:54 +02:00
if (effect.targetCovered) {
// 从废弃区等[卡片可能被覆盖的区域]取对象
return this.selectOptionalAsyn('TARGET',effect.getTargets.call(card)).callback(this,function (card) {
if (!card) return card;
2016-10-30 08:28:08 +01:00
return this.opponent.showCardsAsyn([card]).callback(this,function () {
2016-10-26 15:13:54 +02:00
return card;
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return this.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(effect.getTargets.call(card));
if (effect.getTargetAdvancedAsyn) {
// 复杂(高级)的取对象.
return effect.getTargetAdvancedAsyn.call(card,costArg);
}).callback(this,function (t) {
target = t;
return this.game.blockEndAsyn();
// ------ 块结束 ------
}).callback(this,function () {
// 4. 魔法切入.
return this.opponent.useSpellCutInArtsAsyn();
}).callback(this,function (canceled) {
// 5. 处理.
// "处理+放置到废弃区"放在1个block里.
return this.game.blockAsyn(effect.source,this,function () {
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
// "结束这个回合",处理直接结束.
if (this.game.phase.checkForcedEndTurn()) return;
// "不会被取消"
if (!this.spellCancelable) {
canceled = false;
// 触发"使用魔法"时点,不管是否被取消
var event = {
card: effect.source
// 如果被取消,处理直接结束.
if (canceled) return;
// 如果目标丢失,处理直接结束. (除非设置了dontCheckTarget)
if (effect.getTargets && !effect.dontCheckTarget) {
if (!inArr(target,effect.getTargets.call(card))) {
return effect.actionAsyn.call(card,target,costArg);
}).callback(this,function () {
// 6. 放到废弃区
// 恢复控制权
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
card.player = card.owner;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.game.spellToCutIn = null;
if (card.zone !== this.checkZone) return;
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
// <皮露露可 APEX>
if (arg.excludeAfterUse) {
} else {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
}).callback(this,function () {
// <混乱交织> 的特殊处理
if (this.game.phase.checkForcedEndTurn()) return;
if (canceled !== '_crossScramble') return;
return this.opponent.handleSpellAsyn(card,true);
// 技艺的处理
Player.prototype.handleArtsAsyn = function (card,ignoreCost) {
var effects,costArg,control;
var encored = false;
var costObj = card.getChainedCostObj();
if (ignoreCost) costObj = {};
// 五色电影卡
if (card.cid !== 1167) {
if (card.cid !== 1526) {
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
// ------ 块开始 ------
// 1. 放到检查区
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
// bet
if (!card.bet) return;
if (this.coin < card.bet) return;
var bettedCost = Object.create(costObj);
if (card.bettedCost) {
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
bettedCost = card.getChainedCostObj(card.bettedCost);
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
bettedCost.costCoin = card.bet;
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
if (!this.enoughCost(costObj)) {
// 必须 bet
return costObj = bettedCost;
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
return this.confirmAsyn('BET').callback(this,function (answer) {
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
if (!answer) return;
costObj = bettedCost;
}).callback(this,function () {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// 如果效果不止一个,选择其中n个发动
if (card.artsEffects.length === 1) {
effects = card.artsEffects.slice();
} else {
var min,max;
if (!card.getMinEffectCount || !card.getMaxEffectCount) {
min = max = 1;
} else {
min = card.getMinEffectCount(costObj);
max = card.getMaxEffectCount(costObj);
return this.selectSomeAsyn('ARTS_EFFECT',card.artsEffects,min,max,false).callback(this,function (effs) {
effects = effs;
if (card.costChangeAfterChoose) {
return this.opponent.showEffectsAsyn(effs);
}).callback(this,function () {
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
// encore 费用,约定: 除了颜色费用,其它属性直接覆盖
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!card.encore) return;
var encoredCost = Object.create(costObj);
2016-12-05 16:09:00 +01:00
encoredCost.source = card;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
var enerCostProps = [
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
for (var prop in card.encore) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (inArr(prop,enerCostProps)) {
encoredCost[prop] += card.encore[prop];
} else {
encoredCost[prop] = card.encore[prop];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!this.enoughCost(encoredCost)) return;
return this.confirmAsyn('CONFIRM_ENCORE').callback(this,function (answer) {
if (!answer) return;
costObj = encoredCost;
encored = true;
}).callback(this,function () {
return this.payCostAsyn(costObj);
}).callback(this,function (_costArg) {
costArg = _costArg;
control = {
backToDeck: false,
rtn: null // 当有多个效果时,这个作为返回值. <ブルー・パニッシュ>
// 3. 处理
card: card
return this.game.blockAsyn(card,this,function () {
return Callback.forEach(effects,function (effect) {
return effect.actionAsyn.call(card,costArg,control);
}).callback(this,function (rtn) {
// 4. 放到LRIG废弃区
this.chain = card.chain; // 连锁
if (encored || control.backToDeck) {
} else {
// ------ 块结束 ------
return this.game.blockEndAsyn().callback(this,function () {
return control.rtn || rtn;
// 玩家使用【魔法切入】的技艺(和起动效果和召唤魔法切入共鸣单位)
Player.prototype.useSpellCutInArtsAsyn = function () {
var canceled = false;
function loopAsyn () {
if (this.game.phase.checkForcedEndTurn()) {
return Callback.immediately(true);
var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.canUse('spellCutIn');
cards = cards.concat(this.getResonas({spellCutIn: true}));
concat(this.signis,this.lrig).forEach(function (card) {
var hasSpellCutInEffect = card.actionEffects.some(function (effect) {
2016-12-10 16:00:26 +01:00
return this.canUseActionEffect(effect,{spellCutIn: true});
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (hasSpellCutInEffect) cards.push(card);
// 选择一张魔法切入的技艺(或持有魔法切入的起动效果的卡)
return this.selectOptionalAsyn('SPELL_CUT_IN',cards,true).callback(this,function (card) {
if (!card) return true;
if (card.type === 'ARTS') {
// 如果选择的是ARTS
return this.handleArtsAsyn(card).callback(this,function (c) {
if (c) canceled = c;
return false;
} else if (card.resona && inArr('spellCutIn',card.resonaPhases)) {
// 如果选择的是魔法切入的共鸣单位
return this.summonResonaAsyn(card);
} else {
// 如果选择的是持有起动效果的卡
var effects = card.actionEffects.filter(function (effect) {
2016-12-11 15:15:58 +01:00
return this.canUseActionEffect(effect,{spellCutIn: true});
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!effects.length) return false;
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
if (effects.length === 1) return effects[0];
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',effects);
}).callback(this,function (effect) {
return this.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect);
}).callback(this,function (c) {
if (c) canceled = c;
return false;
}).callback(this,function (done) {
if (canceled || done) return canceled;
// 重复上述步骤 (直至魔法被取消或没有魔法切入或玩家放弃使用)
return loopAsyn.call(this);
return loopAsyn.call(this);
// 玩家使用【主要阶段】的技艺
Player.prototype.useMainPhaseArtsAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.canUse('mainPhase');
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ARTS',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.handleArtsAsyn(card);
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
Player.prototype.canUseActionEffect = function (effect,arg) {
if (!arg) arg = {};
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (this.charmedActionEffectBanned && effect.source.charm) return false;
if (effect.source.abilityLost) return false;
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
// inHand
if (effect.source.zone === this.handZone && !effect.activatedInHand) return false;
if (effect.source.zone !== this.handZone && effect.activatedInHand) return false;
// inTrashZone
if (effect.source.zone === this.trashZone && !effect.activatedInTrashZone) return false;
2016-12-18 16:33:55 +01:00
if (effect.source.zone !== this.trashZone && effect.activatedInTrashZone) return false;
2017-02-26 12:36:54 +01:00
// inEnerZone
if (effect.source.zone === this.enerZone && !effect.activatedInEnerZone) return false;
if (effect.source.zone !== this.enerZone && effect.activatedInEnerZone) return false;
2016-12-10 16:00:26 +01:00
// attackPhase && spellCutIn
2016-12-11 06:37:58 +01:00
if (!arg.ignoreTimming) {
if (arg.spellCutIn) {
if (!effect.spellCutIn) return false;
2016-12-10 16:00:26 +01:00
} else {
2016-12-11 06:37:58 +01:00
if (this.game.phase.isAttackPhase()) {
if (!effect.attackPhase) return false;
} else {
if (effect.attackPhase && !effect.mainPhase) return false;
2016-12-10 16:00:26 +01:00
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
// onAttack
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (arg.onAttack && !effect.onAttack) return false;
if (!arg.onAttack && effect.onAttack) return false;
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
// cross
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (effect.cross && !effect.source.crossed) return false;
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
// once
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (effect.once && inArr(effect,this.usedActionEffects)) return false;
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
// condition
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (effect.useCondition && !effect.useCondition.call(effect.source,arg)) return false;
// <混沌之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA>
if (effect.activatedInTrashZone) {
if (this.game.getData(effect.source,'zeroActionCostInTrash')) {
return true;
var obj = Object.create(effect);
if (obj.costColorless) {
obj.costColorless += effect.source.attachedCostColorless;
} else {
obj.costColorless = effect.source.attachedCostColorless;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (arg.ignoreExceedCost) {
obj.costExceed = 0;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return this.enoughCost(obj);
// 玩家使用起动效果
Player.prototype.useActionEffectAsyn = function () {
var effects = [];
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
var cards = concat(this.lrig,this.signis,this.trashZone.cards,this.hands,this.enerZone.cards);
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
cards.forEach(function (card) {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
card.actionEffects.forEach(function (effect) {
if (effect.spellCutIn) return;
if (this.canUseActionEffect(effect)) {
2016-12-01 16:55:42 +01:00
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!effects.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',effects).callback(this,function (effect) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return this.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect,{
cancelable: true,
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
Player.prototype.useOnAttackActionEffectAsyn = function (event) {
var effects = this.lrig.actionEffects.filter(function (effect) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return this.canUseActionEffect(effect,{
onAttack: true,
event: event,
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!effects.length) return Callback.immediately();
return this.selectOptionalAsyn('LAUNCH',effects).callback(this,function (effect) {
if (!effect) return;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return this.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect,{event: event});
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
Player.prototype.handleActionEffectAsyn = function (effect,arg) {
if (!arg) arg = {};
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
var obj = Object.create(effect);
if (obj.costColorless) {
obj.costColorless += effect.source.attachedCostColorless;
} else {
obj.costColorless = effect.source.attachedCostColorless;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (arg.ignoreExceedCost) {
obj.costExceed = 0;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// <混沌之键主 乌姆尔=FYRA>
if (effect.activatedInTrashZone) {
if (this.game.getData(effect.source,'zeroActionCostInTrash')) {
obj = {};
this.inActionEffectCost = true;
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return this.payCostAsyn(obj,arg.cancelable).callback(this,function (costArg) {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.inActionEffectCost = false;
if (!costArg) return; // canceled
2016-12-07 17:20:46 +01:00
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return this.game.blockAsyn(effect.source,this,function () {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return effect.actionAsyn.call(effect.source,costArg,arg);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// 玩家结束主要阶段
Player.prototype.endMainPhaseAsyn = function () {
return this.selectAsyn('END_MAIN_PHASE');
// // 玩家使用【攻击阶段】的技艺(和起动效果)
// Player.prototype.useAttackPhaseArtsAsyn = function () {
// var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
// return card.canUse('attackPhase');
// });
// concat(this.signis,this.lrig).forEach(function (card) {
// var hasAttackPhaseEffect = card.actionEffects.some(function (effect) {
// return effect.attackPhase && this.canUseActionEffect(effect);
// },this);
// if (hasAttackPhaseEffect) cards.push(card);
// },this);
// if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
// // 选择一张【攻击阶段】的技艺(或持有【攻击阶段】的起动效果的卡)
// return this.selectAsyn('USE_ARTS',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
// if (card.type === 'ARTS') {
// // 如果选择的是ARTS
// return this.handleArtsAsyn(card);
// } else {
// // 如果选择的是持有起动效果的卡
// var effects = card.actionEffects.filter(function (effect) {
// return effect.attackPhase && this.canUseActionEffect(effect);
// },this);
// if (!effects.length) return;
// return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
// if (effects.length === 1) return effects[0];
// return this.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',effects);
// }).callback(this,function (effect) {
// return this.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect);
// });
// }
// });
// };
Player.prototype.useAttackPhaseArtsAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.lrigDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.canUse('attackPhase');
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ARTS',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return this.handleArtsAsyn(card);
Player.prototype.useAttackPhaseActionEffect = function () {
2016-12-06 15:35:48 +01:00
var cards = concat(this.signis,this.lrig,this.trashZone.cards,this.hands).filter(function (card) {
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
return card.actionEffects.some(function (effect) {
return this.canUseActionEffect(effect);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
2016-12-05 16:09:00 +01:00
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
var effects = card.actionEffects.filter(function (effect) {
2016-12-04 06:27:58 +01:00
return this.canUseActionEffect(effect);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!effects.length) return;
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
if (effects.length === 1) return effects[0];
return this.selectAsyn('USE_ACTION_EFFECT',effects);
}).callback(this,function (effect) {
return this.handleActionEffectAsyn(effect);
// 玩家结束技艺使用步骤
Player.prototype.endArtsStepAsyn = function () {
return this.selectAsyn('END_ARTS_STEP');
// 玩家进行SIGNI攻击
Player.prototype.signiAttackAsyn = function () {
var cards = this.signis.filter(function (card) {
return card.canAttack();
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('SIGNI_ATTACK',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return card.attackAsyn();
// 玩家结束SIGNI攻击步骤
Player.prototype.endSigniAttackStepAsyn = function () {
if (this.forceSigniAttack) {
var cards = this.signis.filter(function (card) {
return card.canAttack() && !card.attackCostColorless;
if (cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('END_SIGNI_ATTACK_STEP');
// 玩家进行LRIG攻击
Player.prototype.lrigAttackAsyn = function () {
if (this.lrigAttackBanned) return Callback.never();
var cards = [this.lrig].filter(function (card) {
return card.canAttack();
if (!cards.length) return Callback.never();
return this.selectAsyn('LRIG_ATTACK',cards).callback(this,function (card) {
return card.attackAsyn();
// 防御
// callback(succ)
// succ: 表示是否成功防御
Player.prototype.guardAsyn = function () {
if (this.canNotGuard) return Callback.immediately(false);
var cards = this.hands.filter(function (card) {
return card.guardFlag && (card.level > this.guardLimit) && !inArr(card.level,this.guardBannedLevels);
return this.selectOptionalAsyn('GUARD',cards,true).callback(this,function (card) {
if (!card) return false;
return true;
// 玩家结束LRIG攻击步骤
Player.prototype.endLrigAttackStepAsyn = function () {
return this.selectAsyn('END_LRIG_ATTACK_STEP');
// 玩家被击溃(噗
Player.prototype.crashAsyn = function (n,arg) {
if (n === undefined) n = 1;
if (arg === undefined) arg = {};
var source = arg.source || this.game.getEffectSource();
var attack = !!arg.attack;
var lancer = !!arg.lancer;
var doubleCrash = !!arg.doubleCrash;
var damage = !!arg.damage;
var tag = arg.tag || '';
if (this.wontBeCrashed) return Callback.immediately(false);
if (this.wontBeCrashedExceptDamage && !damage) return Callback.immediately(false);
var cards = this.lifeClothZone.getTopCards(n);
if (!cards.length) return Callback.immediately(false);
var crossLifeCloth = (tag === 'crossLifeCloth'); // <幻水 希拉>
var effectSource = this.game.getEffectSource();
return this.game.blockAsyn(this,function () {
// 放到检查区并触发 onBurst 和 onCrash .
// 根据<幻竜姫 スヴァローグ>的FAQ,
// 无迸发的卡立即进入能量区;
// 有迸发的卡在迸发解决后进入能量区.
this.game.frame(this,function () {
cards.forEach(function (card) {
// <多元描写>
if (effectSource && (effectSource.player === this.opponent)) {
var event = {
source: source,
lancer: lancer
if (card.onBurst.effects.length && (tag !== 'dontTriggerBurst')) {
// 迸发
card.onBurst.trigger({crossLifeCloth: crossLifeCloth}); // 注意<DYNAMITE>
} else {
if (doubleCrash && (cards.length === 2)) {
}).callback(this,function () {
return true;
Player.prototype.damageAsyn = function () {
if (this.wontBeDamaged) return Callback.immediately(false);
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
if (this.wontBeDamagedByOpponentLrig) {
var source = this.game.getEffectSource();
2016-12-30 07:52:58 +01:00
if (source === this.opponent.lrig) {
2016-11-17 15:13:19 +01:00
return Callback.immediately(false);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!this.lifeClothZone.cards.length) {
if (this.game.win(this.opponent)) return Callback.never();
return Callback.immediately(false);
return this.crashAsyn(1,{damage: true});
// 向玩家展示一些卡,通常用于公开探寻的卡.
Player.prototype.showCardsAsyn = function (cards,label) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
type: 'SHOW_CARDS',
content: {
label: label || 'CONFIRM',
cards: cards,
pids: cards.map(function (card) {
return card.pid;
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
2016-10-26 15:13:54 +02:00
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
Player.prototype.showCardsByIdAsyn = function (ids,label) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
content: {
label: label || 'CONFIRM',
ids: ids
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
Player.prototype.revealAsyn = function (n) {
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
var source = this.game.getEffectSource();
if (!source) return 0;
if (source.player !== this) return 0;
if (!this.additionalRevealCount) return 0;
return this.selectNumberAsyn('REVEAL_MORE',0,this.additionalRevealCount,this.additionalRevealCount);
}).callback(this,function (num) {
n += num;
var cards = this.mainDeck.getTopCards(n);
return this.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () {
return this.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () {
return cards;
Player.prototype.showColorsAsyn = function (colors) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
type: 'SHOW_COLORS',
content: {
colors: colors
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
Player.prototype.showCardTypesAsyn = function (types) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
type: 'SHOW_TYPES',
content: {
types: types
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
Player.prototype.showEffectsAsyn = function (effects) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
content: {
effects: effects.map(function (eff) {
return eff.description;
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
Player.prototype.showTextAsyn = function (title,type,content) {
var player = this;
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'CONFIRM'
// }
// });
type: 'SHOW_TEXT',
content: {
type: type,
title: title,
content: content
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (input) {
return function () {
Player.prototype.selectNumberAsyn = function (label,min,max,defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === undefined) {
defaultValue = min;
var player = this;
content: {
label: label,
min: min,
max: max,
defaultValue: defaultValue
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen(label,function (num) {
num = num >>> 0;
if (!((num >= min) && (num <= max))) return false;
return function () {
Player.prototype.declareAsyn = function (min,max) {
return this.selectNumberAsyn('DECLARE',min,max).callback(this,function (num) {
return this.opponent.showTextAsyn('DECLARE','number',num).callback(this,function () {
return num;
Player.prototype.declareCardIdAsyn = function () {
return this.selectCardIdAsyn('DECLARE').callback(this,function (pid) {
return this.opponent.showCardsByIdAsyn([pid],'DECLARE').callback(this,function () {
return pid;
Player.prototype.selectTextAsyn = function (label,texts,type) {
var player = this;
if (!texts.length) return Callback.immediately(null);
type: 'SELECT_TEXT',
content: {
label: label,
texts: texts,
type: type || ''
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen(label,function (idx) {
idx = idx >>> 0;
var text = texts[idx];
if (!text) return false;
return function () {
Player.prototype.selectCardIdAsyn = function (label) {
var player = this;
content: {
label: label
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen(label,function (pid) {
pid = pid >>> 0;
if (!CardInfo[pid]) return false;
return function () {
Player.prototype.confirmAsyn = function (text) {
var player = this;
type: 'CONFIRM',
content: {
text: text
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('OK',function (answer) {
return function () {
// 令玩家获得cards的pid.
Player.prototype.informCards = function (cards) {
content: {
cards: cards,
pids: cards.map(function (card) {
return card.pid;
// needEner(obj)
// obj是一个包含 costWhite 等属性的对象 (cost对象),
// 如果obj的所有cost为零,返回false,否则true
Player.prototype.needEner = function (obj) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
var costs = [obj.costColorless,obj.costWhite,obj.costBlack,obj.costRed,obj.costBlue,obj.costGreen];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return costs.some(function (cost) {
return cost > 0;
Player.prototype.getTotalEnerCost = function (obj,original) {
if (!original && obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
var props = [
var total = 0;
props.forEach(function (prop) {
total += (original? this.game.getOriginalValue(obj,prop) : obj[prop]) || 0;
return total;
// Player.prototype.needSigniCost = function (obj) {
// var costs = [
// obj.costSigniWhite,
// obj.costSigniBlack,
// obj.costSigniRed,
// obj.costSigniBlue,
// obj.costSigniGreen,
// obj.costSigniColorless,
// ];
// return costs.some(function (cost) {
// return cost > 0;
// });
// };
Player.prototype.needCost = function (obj) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
if (obj.costCoin) return true;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (obj.costDown && obj.source) return true;
if (obj.costAsyn && obj.source) return true;
if (obj.costExceed && obj.source) return true;
if (this.needEner(obj)) return true;
return false;
// For test.
// Player.prototype.testCheckEner = function (colorObj,costObj) {
// var cards = [];
// var obj = {};
// var colorMap = {
// 'm': 'xxx',
// 'l': 'colorless',
// 'w': 'white',
// 'b': 'black',
// 'r': 'red',
// 'u': 'blue',
// 'g': 'green',
// 'k': 'green'
// };
// var costMap = {
// 'm': 'xxx',
// 'l': 'costColorless',
// 'w': 'costWhite',
// 'b': 'costBlack',
// 'r': 'costRed',
// 'u': 'costBlue',
// 'g': 'costGreen',
// 'k': 'xxx'
// };
// for (var x in colorMap) {
// var color = colorMap[x];
// var count = colorObj[x] || 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// var card = {
// color: color,
// multiEner: x === 'm',
// hasClass: function () {
// return this.k;
// },
// k: x === 'k'
// };
// cards.push(card);
// }
// obj[costMap[x]] = costObj[x];
// }
// obj.useBikouAsWhiteCost = true;
// return this.checkEner(cards,obj);
// };
// 御先狐...
Player.prototype.checkEner = function (cards,obj,ignoreReplacement) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
obj = Object.create(obj);
obj.costGreen = obj.costGreen || 0;
cards = cards.slice();
var osakiCards = cards.filter(function (card) {
return card._KosakiPhantomBeast;
var minOsaki = 0;
var maxOsaki = Math.min(osakiCards.length,Math.floor(obj.costGreen/2));
for (var i = 0; i <= maxOsaki; i++) {
var result = this._checkEner(cards,obj,ignoreReplacement);
if (ignoreReplacement || (result.left >= 0)) break;
obj.costGreen = Math.max(0,obj.costGreen - 3);
result.osakiCards = osakiCards;
result.minOsaki = minOsaki;
result.maxOsaki = maxOsaki;
return result;
// _checkEner(cards,obj)
// obj是个cost对象,cards是用来支付能量的卡.
// 返回一个带 left,minBikou,maxBikou,bikouCards 属性的对象.
// left: 支付后剩余的卡片数. (若为负数,表示无法完成支付)
// minBikou: 表示至少要支付的美巧数量.
// maxBikou: 表示至多可以支付的美巧数量.
// bikouCards: 可以用于代替白色费用的美巧卡.
// 注: 由于后来出现了<美しき弦奏 コントラ>,这里的美巧也指这张卡.
Player.prototype._checkEner = function (cards,obj,ignoreReplacement) {
var minBikou = 0;
var maxBikou = 0;
var bikouCards = [];
// 以下变量表示对应颜色的卡的盈余量. (盈余=存在-需求,负数则表示不足)
// 减掉需求
var colorless = -obj.costColorless || 0;
var white = -obj.costWhite || 0;
var black = -obj.costBlack || 0;
var red = -obj.costRed || 0;
var blue = -obj.costBlue || 0;
var green = -obj.costGreen || 0;
var multi = 0;
// 美巧
var useBikou = !ignoreReplacement && this.canUseBikou(obj);
var bikou = 0;
var costWhite = obj.costWhite || 0;
// <小剑 三日月>
var mikamune = 0;
var lrig = this.lrig;
// 加上存在
cards.forEach(function (card) {
if (card.multiEner) multi++;
else if (card.color === 'colorless') colorless++;
else if (card.color === 'white' ) white++;
else if (card.color === 'black' ) black++;
else if (card.color === 'red' ) red++;
else if (card.color === 'blue' ) blue++;
else if (card.color === 'green' ) green++;
// <小剑 三日月>
if (card._MikamuneSmallSword && !card.multiEner && (card.color !== lrig.color)) {
// <小剑 三日月>
// 借与LRIG颜色相同的卡
if (lrig.color === 'white') white += mikamune;
else if (lrig.color === 'black') black += mikamune;
else if (lrig.color === 'red') red += mikamune;
else if (lrig.color === 'blue') blue += mikamune;
else if (lrig.color === 'green') green += mikamune;
else mikamune = 0;
// 美巧
if (useBikou) {
bikouCards = cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.hasClass('美巧');
} else {
bikouCards = cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.trashAsWhiteCost; // <美しき弦奏 コントラ>
bikou = bikouCards.length;
// 于是此时变量的值即为盈余值. (负数表示不足)
// 先考虑白色
if (white >= 0) {
maxBikou = Math.min(bikou,costWhite);
colorless += white; // 盈余的数量加到无色上.
} else {
minBikou = Math.min(-white,bikou);
bikou += white; // 不足的数量用美巧代替.
green += white; // 注意绿色也同时减少了.
if (bikou < 0) {
// 若用美巧代替之后还是不足,则用万花色代替.
multi += bikou; // 不足的数量用万花色代替.
green -= bikou; // 注意因为用万花色代替了,所以绿色的盈余增加.
if (multi < 0) {
// 万花色不足,无法完成支付.
return {left: -1,minBikou: 0,maxBikou: 0,bikouCards: []};
} else {
maxBikou = Math.min(bikou,costWhite - minBikou);
// 然后考虑剩下的颜色,除了无色
if (![black,red,blue,green].every(function (count) {
if (count >= 0) {
colorless += count; // 盈余的数量加到无色上.
return true;
multi += count; // 不足的数量用万花色代替.
return multi >= 0; // 万花色不足,无法完成支付.
})) return {left: -1,minBikou: 0,maxBikou: 0,bikouCards: []};
maxBikou = minBikou + Math.min(maxBikou,Math.max(0,green) + multi);
minBikou = Math.max(0,minBikou - multi);
// 最后考虑无色.
colorless += multi; // 盈余的数量加到无色上.
colorless -= mikamune; // 还回从<小剑 三日月>借来的卡.
return {
left: colorless, // 此时无色的盈余量即为支付能力后剩下的卡片数.
bikouCards: bikouCards,
minBikou: minBikou,
maxBikou: maxBikou
Player.prototype.canUseBikou = function (obj) {
return obj.useBikouAsWhiteCost || this.useBikouAsWhiteCost;
// 注意 costSigniColorless 是指任意颜色的signi作为cost
// Player.prototype.enoughSigniCost = function (obj) {
// var white = obj.costSigniWhite || 0;
// var black = obj.costSigniBlack || 0;
// var red = obj.costSigniRed || 0;
// var blue = obj.costSigniBlue || 0;
// var green = obj.costSigniGreen || 0;
// var colorless = obj.costSigniColorless || 0;
// for (var i = 0; i < this.hands.length; i++) {
// var card = this.hands[i];
// if (card.type !== 'SIGNI') continue;
// if (card.color === 'white') {
// white? white-- : colorless--;
// } else if (card.color === 'black') {
// black? black-- : colorless--;
// } else if (card.color === 'red') {
// red? red-- : colorless--;
// } else if (card.color === 'blue') {
// blue? blue-- : colorless--;
// } else if (card.color === 'green') {
// green? green-- : colorless--;
// } else {
// colorless--;
// }
// }
// return [white,black,red,blue,green,colorless].some(function (need) {
// return need > 0;
// });
// };
// 玩家是否有足够的能量来支付obj指定的费用
Player.prototype.enoughEner = function (obj) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
return this.checkEner(this.enerZone.cards,obj).left >= 0;
Player.prototype.enoughExceed = function (obj) {
var lrig = obj.source;
return lrig.zone.cards.length > obj.costExceed;
Player.prototype.enoughCost = function (obj) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
if (obj.costCoin && obj.costCoin > this.coin) return false;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (obj.costDown && obj.source && !obj.source.isUp) return false;
if (obj.costCondition && obj.source) {
if (!obj.costCondition.call(obj.source)) return false;
if (obj.costExceed && obj.source) {
if (!this.enoughExceed(obj)) return false;
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
if (!this.enoughEner(obj)) return false;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
return true;
// Player.prototype.selectSigniCost = function (obj) {
// if ((!this.needSigniCost(obj))) return Callback.immediately([]);
// };
// 要求玩家选择能量
Player.prototype.selectEnerAsyn = function (obj,cancelable) {
if (obj.costChange) {
obj = obj.costChange();
if (!this.needEner(obj)) return Callback.immediately([]);
var player = this;
type: 'PAY_ENER',
content: {
cancelable: !!cancelable,
cards: this.enerZone.cards,
colors: this.enerZone.cards.map(function (card) {
if (card.multiEner) return 'multi';
if (card._MikamuneSmallSword && (card.color !== this.lrig.color))
return [card.color,this.lrig.color];
return card.color;
colorless: obj.costColorless,
white: obj.costWhite,
black: obj.costBlack,
red: obj.costRed,
blue: obj.costBlue,
green: obj.costGreen,
multi: obj.costMulti
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: 'PAY_ENER'
// }
// });
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen('PAY_ENER',function (idxs) {
if (idxs === null) {
// cancel
if (!cancelable) return false;
return function () {
if (!isArr(idxs)) return false;
var cards = idxs.map(function (idx) {
return player.enerZone.cards[idx];
var legal = cards.every(function (card,idx) {
return inArr(card,player.enerZone.cards) && cards.indexOf(card) >= idx;
if (!legal || player.checkEner(cards,obj,true).left !== 0) return false;
return function () {
Player.prototype.selectExceedAsyn = function (obj) {
var cards = obj.source.zone.cards.slice(1);
var n = obj.costExceed;
return this.selectSomeAsyn('PAY_EXCEED',cards,n,n);
// 支付Cost
Player.prototype.payCostAsyn = function (obj,cancelable) {
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
if (obj.costChangeAsyn) {
cancelable = false;
// 需要异步操作的费用改变,如<虹彩・横置>等.
return obj.costChangeAsyn().callback(this,function (o) {
obj = o;
} else if (obj.costChange) {
// 费用改变
obj = obj.costChange();
}).callback(this,function () {
// 御先狐
var o = this.checkEner(this.enerZone.cards,obj);
if (o.left < 0) {
throw new Error('No enough ener to pay! obj.cid:' + obj.cid);
if (o.maxOsaki) {
var min = o.minOsaki;
var max = o.maxOsaki;
return this.selectSomeAsyn('TRASH_OSAKI',o.osakiCards,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) {
if (!cards.length) return;
cancelable = false;
obj = Object.create(obj);
obj.costGreen -= cards.length * 3;
if (obj.costGreen < 0) obj.costGreen = 0;
}).callback(this,function () {
// 用美巧代替白色费用
var o = this.checkEner(this.enerZone.cards,obj);
if (o.left < 0) {
throw new Error('No enough ener to pay!');
if (o.maxBikou) {
var min = o.minBikou;
var max = o.maxBikou;
return this.selectSomeAsyn('PAY_WHITE_INSTEAD',o.bikouCards,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) {
if (!cards.length) return;
cancelable = false;
obj = Object.create(obj);
obj.costWhite -= cards.length;
}).callback(this,function () {
// 选择能量
var costArg = {};
return this.selectEnerAsyn(obj,cancelable).callback(this,function (cards) {
if (!cards) {
// 取消
return null;
return Callback.immediately().callback(this,function () {
costArg.enerCards = cards;
costArg.enerColors = cards.map(function (card) {
if (card.multiEner) return 'multi';
return card.color;
// 超越
if (obj.costExceed && obj.source) {
return this.selectExceedAsyn(obj).callback(this,function (cards) {
costArg.exceedCards = cards;
this.game.trashCards(cards,{isExceedCost: true});
}).callback(this,function () {
// 横置
if (obj.costDown && obj.source) {
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
// Coin
if (obj.costCoin) {
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
2017-02-26 18:06:09 +01:00
costArg.bet = obj.costCoin;
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// 其它
if (obj.costAsyn) {
if (obj.source) return obj.costAsyn.call(obj.source);
return obj.costAsyn();
}).callback(this,function (others) {
costArg.others = others;
return costArg;
// player.selectAsyn(label,cards,optional,needConfirm)
// 玩家从cards中选一张卡,
// 若cards为null或空数组:
// 若!needConfirm,那么立即callback(null).
// 否则等玩家确认,然后callback(null).
// 若cards非空:
// 若optional,玩家可以不选(返回null).
// 否则,玩家必须从cards中选一张卡,callback返回这张卡.
// callback(null|card)
Player.prototype.selectAsyn = function (label,cards,optional,needConfirm) {
if (cards && !cards.length && !needConfirm) {
return Callback.immediately(null);
if (!cards) {
return this.selectSomeAsyn(label,[]).callback(this,function () {
return null;
var min = optional? 0 : 1;
return this.selectSomeAsyn(label,cards,min,1).callback(this,function (selectedCards) {
return selectedCards[0] || null;
Player.prototype.selectOptionalAsyn = function (label,cards,needConfirm) {
return this.selectAsyn(label,cards,true,needConfirm);
Player.prototype.selectTargetAsyn = function (cards,optional,needConfirm) {
return this.selectAsyn('TARGET',cards,optional,needConfirm).callback(this,function (card) {
if (card) {
return card;
Player.prototype.selectTargetOptionalAsyn = function (cards,needConfirm) {
return this.selectTargetAsyn(cards,true,needConfirm);
Player.prototype.selectSomeTargetsAsyn = function (cards,min,max,careOrder) {
return this.selectSomeAsyn('TARGET',cards,min,max,careOrder).callback(this,function (selectedCards) {
selectedCards.forEach(function (card) {
return selectedCards;
Player.prototype.selectSomeAsyn = function (label,items,min,max,careOrder,extraCards) {
items = items.slice();
if (!(min >= 0)) min = 0;
if (max === undefined || max < 0) {
max = items.length;
min = Math.min(min,items.length);
max = Math.min(max,items.length);
careOrder = !!careOrder;
extraCards = extraCards || [];
var cards = items;
var descriptions = [];
var sample = items[0];
if (sample && sample.source) {
// 选项是效果
cards = items.map(function (effect) {
return effect.source || null;
descriptions = items.map(function (effect) {
return effect.description || '';
var player = this;
type: 'SELECT',
content: {
label: label,
options: cards,
descriptions: descriptions,
extraCards: extraCards,
extraPids: extraCards.map(function (card) {
return card.pid;
min: min,
max: max,
careOrder: careOrder
// player.opponent.output({
// content: {
// operation: '' // 注意!
// }
// });
return new Callback(function (callback) {
player.listen(label,function (idxs) {
if (!isArr(idxs)) return false;
if (idxs.length > max) return false;
if (idxs.length < min) return false;
if (!careOrder) {
idxs.sort(function (a,b) {
return a - b;
var selectedItems = idxs.map(function (idx) {
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < items.length)) {
return items[idx];
return null;
var legal = selectedItems.every(function (item,i) {
return item && (selectedItems.indexOf(item) === i);
if (!legal) return false;
return function () {
Player.prototype.selectByFilterAsyn = function (filter,cards) {
var cards = filter? cards.filter(filter) : cards;
return this.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(cards);
Player.prototype.selectOpponentSigniAsyn = function (filter) {
2016-10-27 15:47:14 +02:00
return this.selectByFilterAsyn(filter,this.opponent.signis);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
Player.prototype.selectSelfSigniAsyn = function (filter) {
2016-10-27 15:47:14 +02:00
return this.selectByFilterAsyn(filter,this.signis);
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
Player.prototype.searchAsyn = function (filter,max,min,dontShow) {
var cards = this.mainDeck.cards.filter(filter,this);
max = Math.min(max,cards.length);
min = min || 0;
min = Math.min(min,cards.length);
return this.selectSomeAsyn('SEEK',cards,min,max,false,this.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) {
if (dontShow) {
return cards;
return this.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () {
return cards;
Player.prototype.seekAsyn = function (filter,max,min,dontShow) {
return this.searchAsyn(filter,max,min,dontShow).callback(this,function (cards) {
return cards;
Player.prototype.seekAndSummonAsyn = function (filter,n,dontTriggerStartUp) {
var done = false;
var rtnCards = [];
return Callback.loop(this,n,function () {
if (done) return;
var cards = this.mainDeck.cards.filter(function (card) {
return card.canSummon() && filter(card);
return this.selectSomeAsyn('SEEK',cards,0,1,false,this.mainDeck.cards).callback(this,function (cards) {
var card = cards[0];
if (!card) {
done = true;
return card.summonAsyn(false,dontTriggerStartUp);
}).callback(this,function () {
return rtnCards;
Player.prototype.pickCardAsyn = function (filter,min,max,zone) {
if (!isNum(min)) min = 0;
if (!isNum(max)) max = 1;
if (!zone) zone = this.trashZone;
var cards = filter? zone.cards.filter(filter) : zone.cards;
return this.selectSomeAsyn('ADD_TO_HAND',cards,min,max).callback(this,function (cards) {
2016-10-29 15:36:54 +02:00
if (!cards.length) return;
2016-10-30 17:56:15 +01:00
return this.opponent.showCardsAsyn(cards).callback(this,function () {
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
Player.prototype.rearrangeOpponentSignisAsyn = function () {
return this.rearrangeSignisAsyn(this.opponent);
Player.prototype.rearrangeSignisAsyn = function (whos) {
if (!whos) whos = this;
var done = false;
var signis = whos.signis.filter(function (signi) {
return !signi.isEffectFiltered();
var zones = whos.signiZones.filter(function (zone) {
if (zone.disabled) return false;
return (!zone.cards.length) || (!zone.cards[0].isEffectFiltered());
var changedSignis = [];
return Callback.loop(this,2,function () {
if (done) return;
if (!signis.length || (zones.length <= 1)) return;
return this.selectTargetOptionalAsyn(signis).callback(this,function (signi) {
if (!signi) {
done = true;
var _zones = zones.filter(function (zone) {
return (zone !== signi.zone);
return this.selectOptionalAsyn('RESET_SIGNI_ZONE',_zones).callback(this,function (zone) {
if (!zone) return;
var card = zone.cards[0];
if (signi.changeSigniZone(zone)) {
if (!inArr(signi,changedSignis)) changedSignis.push(signi);
if (card && !inArr(card,changedSignis)) changedSignis.push(card);
}).callback(this,function () {
return changedSignis;
Player.prototype.listen = function (label,handle) {
this.listener[label] = handle;
Player.prototype.input = function (data) {
// if (!isArr(data)) return false;
// if (data.length !== 2) return false;
// var label = data[0];
// var input = data[1];
if (!isObj(data)) return false;
var label = data.label;
var input = data.input;
if (!isStr(label)) return false;
var handle = this.listener[label];
if (!isFunc(handle)) return false;
var callback = handle(input);
if (!isFunc(callback)) return false;
this.listener = {};
// var p = (this === this.game.hostPlayer)? 'hostPlayer' : 'guestPlayer';
// if (!window.inputs) window.inputs = '';
// window.inputs += ('game.'+p+'.input("'+label+'",['+input.toString()+']);');
// console.time(label);
// console.timeEnd(label);
if (this.game.winner) {
return true;
Player.prototype.output = function (msgObj) {
// var start = Date.now();
msgObj = this.handleMsgObj(msgObj);
// var end = Date.now();
// console.log('player.handleMsgObj() '+(end-start)+'ms');
Player.prototype.sendMsgQueue = function () {
var queue = this.msgQueue.slice();
this.msgQueue.length = 0;
Player.prototype.handleMsgObj = function (v) {
if (isArr(v)) {
var arr = v;
var newArr = []
arr.forEach(function (item) {
return newArr;
if (isObj(v)) {
var obj = v;
var sid = this.game.getSid(this,obj);
if (isNum(sid)) return sid;
var newObj = {};
for (var x in obj) {
newObj[x] = this.handleMsgObj(obj[x]);
return newObj;
return v;
Player.prototype.ignoreGrowCostInNextTurn = function () {
this.ignoreGrowCost = true;
Player.prototype.trashLifeClothWhenTurnEnd = function (n) {
this._trashLifeClothCount += n;
Player.prototype.getCharms = function () {
var charms = [];
this.signis.forEach(function (signi) {
if (signi.charm) {
return charms;
Player.prototype.setCrossPair = function () {
// 清除已有CP
this.crossed.forEach(function (pair) {
pair.crossed = null;
this.crossed = [];
var card = this.signiZones[1].cards[0];
if (!card) return;
if (!card.crossLeft && !card.crossRight) return;
function checkMatch (zone,cross) {
if (!zone) return null;
2016-11-02 16:44:35 +01:00
var card = zone.getActualCards()[0];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
if (!card) return null;
var cids = concat(cross);
var matched = cids.some(function (cid) {
return (card.cid === cid);
return matched? card : null;
// 3 CROSS
if (card.crossLeft && card.crossRight) {
2016-10-30 06:22:54 +01:00
if (!checkMatch(this.signiZones[0],card.crossRight)) return;
if (!checkMatch(this.signiZones[2],card.crossLeft)) return;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
this.crossed = this.signis.slice();
this.signis.forEach(function (signi) {
2016-10-30 06:22:54 +01:00
signi.crossed = this.signis.slice();
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// 2 CROSS
2016-10-30 06:22:54 +01:00
var zone = card.crossRight? this.signiZones[0] : this.signiZones[2];
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
var pair = checkMatch(zone,card.crossLeft || card.crossRight);
if (!pair) return;
this.crossed = [card,pair];
card.crossed = [card,pair];
pair.crossed = [card,pair];
2017-02-20 16:13:39 +01:00
Player.prototype.gainCoins = function(count) {
this.coin += count;
if (this.coin > 5) {
this.coin = 5;
2017-02-26 07:15:18 +01:00
Player.prototype.loseCoins = function(count) {
this.coin -= count;
if (this.coin < 0) this.coin = 0;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
// For test:
2016-11-10 10:07:00 +01:00
Player.prototype.matchCard = function (arg) {
var cid = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.game.cards.length; i++) {
var card = this.game.cards[i];
var info = CardInfo[card.cid];
var matched = info.name === arg ||
info.name_zh_CN === arg ||
info.cid === arg ||
info.wxid === arg;
if (matched) {
cid = card.cid;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
2016-11-10 10:07:00 +01:00
if (!cid) return null;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
var cards = concat(this.mainDeck.cards,this.trashZone.cards,this.enerZone.cards,this.lifeClothZone.cards);
for (var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
var card = cards[i];
if (card.cid === cid) {
return card;
return null;
2016-11-10 10:07:00 +01:00
Player.prototype.getCard = function (arg) {
var card = this.matchCard(arg);
if (!card) return null;
return card;
2016-12-06 07:40:51 +01:00
Player.prototype.putCardToLifeCloth = function (arg) {
2016-11-10 10:07:00 +01:00
var card = this.matchCard(arg);
if (!card) return null;
return card;
2016-10-23 07:56:45 +02:00
global.Player = Player;