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2024-11-22 07:40:43 +01:00
namespace Uwaa.PNG;
internal static class Decoder
public static (byte bytesPerPixel, byte samplesPerPixel) GetBytesAndSamplesPerPixel(ImageHeader header)
var bitDepthCorrected = (header.BitDepth + 7) / 8;
var samplesPerPixel = SamplesPerPixel(header);
return ((byte)(samplesPerPixel * bitDepthCorrected), samplesPerPixel);
public static byte[] Decode(byte[] decompressedData, ImageHeader header, byte bytesPerPixel, byte samplesPerPixel)
switch (header.InterlaceMethod)
case InterlaceMethod.None:
var bytesPerScanline = BytesPerScanline(header, samplesPerPixel);
var currentRowStartByteAbsolute = 1;
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < header.Height; rowIndex++)
var filterType = (FilterType)decompressedData[currentRowStartByteAbsolute - 1];
var previousRowStartByteAbsolute = rowIndex + (bytesPerScanline * (rowIndex - 1));
var end = currentRowStartByteAbsolute + bytesPerScanline;
for (var currentByteAbsolute = currentRowStartByteAbsolute; currentByteAbsolute < end; currentByteAbsolute++)
ReverseFilter(decompressedData, filterType, previousRowStartByteAbsolute, currentRowStartByteAbsolute, currentByteAbsolute, currentByteAbsolute - currentRowStartByteAbsolute, bytesPerPixel);
currentRowStartByteAbsolute += bytesPerScanline + 1;
return decompressedData;
case InterlaceMethod.Adam7:
int byteHack = bytesPerPixel == 1 ? 1 : 0; // TODO: Further investigation required.
int pixelsPerRow = (header.Width * bytesPerPixel) + byteHack; // Add an extra byte per line.
byte[] newBytes = new byte[header.Height * pixelsPerRow];
int i = 0;
int previousStartRowByteAbsolute = -1;
// 7 passes
for (int pass = 0; pass < 7; pass++)
int numberOfScanlines = Adam7.GetNumberOfScanlinesInPass(header, pass);
int numberOfPixelsPerScanline = Adam7.GetPixelsPerScanlineInPass(header, pass);
if (numberOfScanlines <= 0 || numberOfPixelsPerScanline <= 0)
for (int scanlineIndex = 0; scanlineIndex < numberOfScanlines; scanlineIndex++)
FilterType filterType = (FilterType)decompressedData[i++];
int rowStartByte = i;
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPixelsPerScanline; j++)
(int x, int y) pixelIndex = Adam7.GetPixelIndexForScanlineInPass(pass, scanlineIndex, j);
for (int k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++)
int byteLineNumber = (j * bytesPerPixel) + k;
ReverseFilter(decompressedData, filterType, previousStartRowByteAbsolute, rowStartByte, i, byteLineNumber, bytesPerPixel);
int start = byteHack + (pixelsPerRow * pixelIndex.y) + (pixelIndex.x * bytesPerPixel);
Array.ConstrainedCopy(decompressedData, rowStartByte + (j * bytesPerPixel), newBytes, start, bytesPerPixel);
previousStartRowByteAbsolute = rowStartByte;
return newBytes;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid interlace method: {header.InterlaceMethod}.");
static byte SamplesPerPixel(ImageHeader header)
return header.ColorType switch
ColorType.None => 1,
ColorType.PaletteUsed or ColorType.PaletteUsed | ColorType.ColorUsed => 1,
ColorType.ColorUsed => 3,
ColorType.AlphaChannelUsed => 2,
ColorType.ColorUsed | ColorType.AlphaChannelUsed => 4,
_ => 0,
static int BytesPerScanline(ImageHeader header, byte samplesPerPixel)
int width = header.Width;
return header.BitDepth switch
1 => (width + 7) / 8,
2 => (width + 3) / 4,
4 => (width + 1) / 2,
8 or 16 => width * samplesPerPixel * (header.BitDepth / 8),
_ => 0,
static void ReverseFilter(byte[] data, FilterType type, int previousRowStartByteAbsolute, int rowStartByteAbsolute, int byteAbsolute, int rowByteIndex, int bytesPerPixel)
byte GetLeftByteValue()
int leftIndex = rowByteIndex - bytesPerPixel;
byte leftValue = leftIndex >= 0 ? data[rowStartByteAbsolute + leftIndex] : (byte)0;
return leftValue;
byte GetAboveByteValue()
int upIndex = previousRowStartByteAbsolute + rowByteIndex;
return upIndex >= 0 ? data[upIndex] : (byte)0;
byte GetAboveLeftByteValue()
int index = previousRowStartByteAbsolute + rowByteIndex - bytesPerPixel;
return index < previousRowStartByteAbsolute || previousRowStartByteAbsolute < 0 ? (byte)0 : data[index];
// Moved out of the switch for performance.
if (type == FilterType.Up)
int above = previousRowStartByteAbsolute + rowByteIndex;
if (above < 0)
data[byteAbsolute] += data[above];
if (type == FilterType.Sub)
int leftIndex = rowByteIndex - bytesPerPixel;
if (leftIndex < 0)
data[byteAbsolute] += data[rowStartByteAbsolute + leftIndex];
switch (type)
case FilterType.None:
case FilterType.Average:
data[byteAbsolute] += (byte)((GetLeftByteValue() + GetAboveByteValue()) / 2);
case FilterType.Paeth:
byte a = GetLeftByteValue();
byte b = GetAboveByteValue();
byte c = GetAboveLeftByteValue();
data[byteAbsolute] += GetPaethValue(a, b, c);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
/// <summary>
/// Computes a simple linear function of the three neighboring pixels (left, above, upper left),
/// then chooses as predictor the neighboring pixel closest to the computed value.
/// </summary>
static byte GetPaethValue(byte a, byte b, byte c)
int p = a + b - c;
int pa = Math.Abs(p - a);
int pb = Math.Abs(p - b);
int pc = Math.Abs(p - c);
if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc)
return a;
return pb <= pc ? b : c;