Fork 0
forked from mirrors/akkoma
lain 593b8b1e6a Configuration: Skip thread containment by default
In my tests the interaction between thread containment and other restrictions
makes postgresql create some very bad query plans. This caused direct messages
to time out on soykaf, for example.
2019-06-07 14:28:14 +02:00

157 lines
8.9 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
## [unreleased]
### Added
- Add a generic settings store for frontends / clients to use.
- Explicit addressing option for posting.
- Optional SSH access mode. (Needs `erlang-ssh` package on some distributions).
- [MongooseIM](https://github.com/esl/MongooseIM) http authentication support.
- LDAP authentication
- External OAuth provider authentication
- A [job queue](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma_job_queue) for federation, emails, web push, etc.
- [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) metrics
- Support for Mastodon's remote interaction
- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.database bump_all_conversations`
- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.database remove_embedded_objects`
- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.database update_users_following_followers_counts`
- Mix Tasks: `mix pleroma.user toggle_confirmed`
- Federation: Support for `Question` and `Answer` objects
- Federation: Support for reports
- Configuration: `poll_limits` option
- Configuration: `safe_dm_mentions` option
- Configuration: `link_name` option
- Configuration: `fetch_initial_posts` option
- Configuration: `notify_email` option
- Configuration: Media proxy `whitelist` option
- Configuration: `report_uri` option
- Configuration: `limit_unauthenticated_to_local_content` option
- Pleroma API: User subscriptions
- Pleroma API: Healthcheck endpoint
- Pleroma API: `/api/v1/pleroma/mascot` per-user frontend mascot configuration endpoints
- Admin API: Endpoints for listing/revoking invite tokens
- Admin API: Endpoints for making users follow/unfollow each other
- Admin API: added filters (role, tags, email, name) for users endpoint
- Admin API: Endpoints for managing reports
- Admin API: Endpoints for deleting and changing the scope of individual reported statuses
- AdminFE: initial release with basic user management accessible at /pleroma/admin/
- Mastodon API: [Scheduled statuses](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/rest/scheduled-statuses/)
- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/notifications/destroy_multiple` (glitch-soc extension)
- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/favourites` (API extension)
- Mastodon API: [Reports](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/rest/reports/)
- Mastodon API: `POST /api/v1/accounts` (account creation API)
- Mastodon API: [Polls](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/rest/polls/)
- ActivityPub C2S: OAuth endpoints
- Metadata: RelMe provider
- OAuth: added support for refresh tokens
- Emoji packs and emoji pack manager
- Object pruning (`mix pleroma.database prune_objects`)
- OAuth: added job to clean expired access tokens
- MRF: Support for rejecting reports from specific instances (`mrf_simple`)
- MRF: Support for stripping avatars and banner images from specific instances (`mrf_simple`)
- MRF: Support for running subchains.
- Configuration: `skip_thread_containment` option
### Changed
- **Breaking:** Configuration: move from Pleroma.Mailer to Pleroma.Emails.Mailer
- Thread containment / test for complete visibility will be skipped by default.
- Enforcement of OAuth scopes
- Add multiple use/time expiring invite token
- Restyled OAuth pages to fit with Pleroma's default theme
- Link/mention/hashtag detection is now handled by [auto_linker](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/auto_linker)
- NodeInfo: Return `safe_dm_mentions` feature flag
- Federation: Expand the audience of delete activities to all recipients of the deleted object
- Federation: Removed `inReplyToStatusId` from objects
- Configuration: Dedupe enabled by default
- Configuration: Added `extra_cookie_attrs` for setting non-standard cookie attributes. Defaults to ["SameSite=Lax"] so that remote follows work.
- Timelines: Messages involving people you have blocked will be excluded from the timeline in all cases instead of just repeats.
- Admin API: Move the user related API to `api/pleroma/admin/users`
- Pleroma API: Support for emoji tags in `/api/pleroma/emoji` resulting in a breaking API change
- Mastodon API: Support for `exclude_types`, `limit` and `min_id` in `/api/v1/notifications`
- Mastodon API: Add `languages` and `registrations` to `/api/v1/instance`
- Mastodon API: Provide plaintext versions of cw/content in the Status entity
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.conversation_id`, `pleroma.in_reply_to_account_acct` fields to the Status entity
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.tags`, `pleroma.relationship{}`, `pleroma.is_moderator`, `pleroma.is_admin`, `pleroma.confirmation_pending`, `pleroma.hide_followers`, `pleroma.hide_follows`, `pleroma.hide_favorites` fields to the User entity
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.show_role`, `pleroma.no_rich_text` fields to the Source subentity
- Mastodon API: Add support for updating `no_rich_text`, `hide_followers`, `hide_follows`, `hide_favorites`, `show_role` in `PATCH /api/v1/update_credentials`
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.is_seen` to the Notification entity
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.local` to the Status entity
- Mastodon API: Add `preview` parameter to `POST /api/v1/statuses`
- Mastodon API: Add `with_muted` parameter to timeline endpoints
- Mastodon API: Actual reblog hiding instead of a dummy
- Mastodon API: Remove attachment limit in the Status entity
- Mastodon API: Added support max_id & since_id for bookmark timeline endpoints.
- Deps: Updated Cowboy to 2.6
- Deps: Updated Ecto to 3.0.7
- Don't ship finmoji by default, they can be installed as an emoji pack
- Hide deactivated users and their statuses
- Posts which are marked sensitive or tagged nsfw no longer have link previews.
- HTTP connection timeout is now set to 10 seconds.
- Respond with a 404 Not implemented JSON error message when requested API is not implemented
### Fixed
- Follow requests don't get 'stuck' anymore.
- Added an FTS index on objects. Running `vacuum analyze` and setting a larger `work_mem` is recommended.
- Followers counter not being updated when a follower is blocked
- Deactivated users being able to request an access token
- Limit on request body in rich media/relme parsers being ignored resulting in a possible memory leak
- Proper Twitter Card generation instead of a dummy
- Deletions failing for users with a large number of posts
- NodeInfo: Include admins in `staffAccounts`
- ActivityPub: Crashing when requesting empty local user's outbox
- Federation: Handling of objects without `summary` property
- Federation: Add a language tag to activities as required by ActivityStreams 2.0
- Federation: Do not federate avatar/banner if set to default allowing other servers/clients to use their defaults
- Federation: Cope with missing or explicitly nulled address lists
- Federation: Explicitly ensure activities addressed to `as:Public` become addressed to the followers collection
- Federation: Better cope with actors which do not declare a followers collection and use `as:Public` with these semantics
- Federation: Follow requests from remote users who have been blocked will be automatically rejected if appropriate
- MediaProxy: Parse name from content disposition headers even for non-whitelisted types
- MediaProxy: S3 link encoding
- Rich Media: Reject any data which cannot be explicitly encoded into JSON
- Pleroma API: Importing follows from Mastodon 2.8+
- Twitter API: Exposing default scope, `no_rich_text` of the user to anyone
- Twitter API: Returning the `role` object in user entity despite `show_role = false`
- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/favourites` serving only public activities
- Mastodon API: Reblogs having `in_reply_to_id` - `null` even when they are replies
- Mastodon API: Streaming API broadcasting wrong activity id
- Mastodon API: 500 errors when requesting a card for a private conversation
- Mastodon API: Handling of `reblogs` in `/api/v1/accounts/:id/follow`
- Mastodon API: Correct `reblogged`, `favourited`, and `bookmarked` values in the reblog status JSON
- Mastodon API: Exposing default scope of the user to anyone
- Mastodon API: Make `irreversible` field default to `false` [`POST /api/v1/filters`]
- Mastodon API: Replace missing non-nullable Card attributes with empty strings
- User-Agent is now sent correctly for all HTTP requests.
- MRF: Simple policy now properly delists imported or relayed statuses
## Removed
- Configuration: `config :pleroma, :fe` in favor of the more flexible `config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations`
## [0.9.99999] - 2019-05-31
### Security
- Mastodon API: Fix lists leaking private posts
## [0.9.9999] - 2019-04-05
### Security
- Mastodon API: Fix content warnings skipping HTML sanitization
## [0.9.999] - 2019-03-13
Frontend changes only.
### Added
- Added floating action button for posting status on mobile
### Changed
- Changed user-settings icon to a pencil
### Fixed
- Keyboard shortcuts activating when typing a message
- Gaps when scrolling down on a timeline after showing new
## [0.9.99] - 2019-03-08
### Changed
- Update the frontend to the 0.9.99 tag
### Fixed
- Sign the date header in federation to fix Mastodon federation.
## [0.9.9] - 2019-02-22
This is our first stable release.